1.        Name _______________________
    1. Density Lab
    2. Calculations:

       Name _______________________

             Name _______________________

Density Lab

Density Lab
Objective: Students will learn to write up a lab with components.
Students will be able find density using equipment and the density equation.
Students will be able to compare densities to known accepted values by mathematics.
Materials: 4 metal blocks    graduated cylinder    water    ruler
  Triple beam balance
Hypothesis - ________________________________________________________________________
Procedure: write in a step by step fashion – whole sentences!
Finding volume with a ruler:
Finding volume with a graduated cylinder

Data Tables: construct your own table for 4 blocks (Fe, Cu, Al, brass) and measure the following data: volume with a ruler, volume with a graduated cylinder, hand mass


4 density calculations, one for each bar
show general equation one time
calculated answer with units
Density Calculation using mass and Ruler volume
Brass      Copper        Iron      Aluminum

Density Calculation using mass and Displacement of Water method for volume.
Brass      Copper        Iron      Aluminum


Percent Error of Ruler Volume vs Accepted Value : using the accepted values below, find the percent error for only one bar. When done there should be 2 calculations one for each volume type.
Write equation        Density calculated compared to density accepted
Substitute numbers      Accepted density for  Cu = 8.9 g/cm3
Give answer with units          Fe= 7.2 g/ cm3
               Al = 2.7 g/ cm3
               Brass= 8.7 g/cm3
Type of bar ________________________
Percent Error\
(Ruler) Density vs Accepted Value    (Displacement) Density vs Accepted Value
Conclusion: Write a short paragraph. Within the paragraph do the following fluidly:
Accept or deny the hypothesis.
Restate the densities you calculated.
State the percent errors in your calculations.
Make a statement regarding volume found by the displacement method compared to
volume found by measurement. Identify which is more accurate and why.
Give reasons (other than human error) for discrepancies.


Elements of a Well Written Lab
Special Note:   All written work must be the student’s own words. It must be different from your lab partners. The concept can be discussed but your explanations should be your own.
Objective: simple clear, concise, describes what the lab is designed to discover
   Usually starts with words similar to: To find out… The student will be able to…
Hypothesis: gives an educated guess as to what is expected to happen during the lab.
 For our purposes it will often gives a comparison such as most, least, faster,
 slower. All variable to be tested need to be identified. Never start with I think.
 Statement should start out with your variables or the process. Ex: The soil is
 expected to heat up faster than the water.
Materials: should be listed clearly
Diagram: if necessary, should have set up with all equipment labeled. If there is
  anything specific to be paid attention to it should be noted. For example: the
 distance between the lamp and the soil and water needs to be identical shown
 with an arrow.
Data Table: should be neat and orderly. All columns should be labeled with what is being measured or the variable. All columns should also have a unit of measurement attached to it. Ex: Temperature (degrees C).
Graph: Should appear on graph paper. Most graphs will be line graphs in high school.  Elements to include:
     Overall title in the top right corner of the paper – describing what the        graph is showing
   X and Y axis labeled with measurement and unit
   Key supplied if multiple lines
 The graph should take up at least 2/3rds of the paper provided so make sure to
  gauge your axis’ correctly to take up most of the space and include all your
Calculations: if required, must start with the general word equation written down.
 Substitutions should be clearly made and shown. The answer should appear
 with units attached. If multiple variables, each variable and its calculation should
 be neatly labeled so you know (and I know) which variable goes with which
Conclusion: A well written paragraph which includes several elements:
 Acceptance or denial of the hypothesis.
 A restatement of the final data or final calculations to show tested relationships
 An explanation or interpretation of the data
 Appropriate vocabulary for the objective of the lab.

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