Calling all Poets
    and Writers!
    Submit articles to
    the Art Room
    or to Brian Ocque
    to be considered
    for the next issue.
    where you are caught in the middle of desires
    I think is the hardest part.
    Not being able to choose
    is destroying my life and breaking my heart.
    What’s wrong? What’s right? What am I feeling?
    Is it love, is it lust or
    is it something I like based only on sight?
    It’s something you’ll never know
    unless you share your thoughts and let what’s
    truely inside of you begin to show.
    This is something I learned the hard way.
    I kept my feelings bottled up
    never saying what i thought I should say.
    How this hurt me I don’t know where to start,
    but all I can say
    is that it ripped a huge hole in my heart.
    I don’t want this to happen to you.
    Life is too short to be wasted
    and to sweet not to be tasted.
    The best advice I can give to you
    while you’re feeling mixed emotions
    is follow your heart.
    It will tell you what to do.
    Hillary S.
    Mixed Emotions
    Tiffany Noble, Senior
    When the sunset shuns its warm colors,
    It’s the beginning of great times.
    Look up and see the black sky,
    With little white dots as stars.
    Lots of times passed stargazing,
    Alone or with a close friend.
    This is the most peaceful time
    Also full of life and energy.
    Playing games, sounds of laughter,
    Brown bats attacking to scaring each other.
    The night ends similar to its start,
    With warm colors, with brightness to follow.
    The departure is sad but,
    It’s now the night that will come again.
    What is the point?
    Even when you try, you fall.
    What is the point
    of having a dream you could never fulfill?
    What is the point
    of telling the truth when all you hear are lies?
    What is the point
    of having best friends who never stick with you
    to the end?
    What is the point
    of have a life without knowing about the end?
    What is the point
    of pretending to be something you could never
    measure up to be?
    What is the point
    of wasting time without knowing about the
    What is the point
    for I do not know? For if I did, I would have
    what was the point of writing this poem?
    What is the point?
    Alexis Johnson, Junior
    Tell You What
    By: Tiffany Graham
    I’m torn inside
    And in great pain
    Tears shed from my eyes
    I have nothing to gain
    It hurts and it feels
    Like Hell is on earth
    An unwanted guest
    Who pulled up in a hearse
    Well I’ll tell you what
    I will not give up
    So when you make my sky black
    I just wont look up
    Dear reader,
    I am a sixteen­year­old in recovery for alco­
    hol abuse. I am currently at a residential rehab cen­
    ter in upstate New York. The reason I wrote these
    poems is so I can help someone not go through a lot
    of the stuff that I went through to be where I am to­
    day. And when you read these poems, I hope that
    they help you in some way.
    cold, lonely
    ruins life, destroys, traps
    a hole that sucks you in
    I Am
    I am the sun that keeps on shining
    even after I go down
    I am an alligator in the mud in the drought
    waiting for the water to come
    I amd sick of people judging me,
    so I am going to leave them behind­
    farther than behind­
    in the beyond
    I am who I want to be today
    and I am going to keep on fighting
    and going on
    ­Anthony S.
    For Anthony
    Your pain is clear
    but people do care
    Only God can judge
    And He forgives
    Take care, Anthony
    There are many things that make me happy;
    there are many things that make me cry.
    I wish I had more of one than the other.
    It’s tough to live your life,
    feeling like everything has to be perfect.
    It would be nice just once to be able to say,
    the heck with it.
    It’s good enough.
    I can’t.
    Everything must be just so,
    everything must be the best that I can make it.
    What a burden that creates for me.
    Oh, sure it’s always good
    to put your best foot forward.
    But does that mean ALWAYS
    Oh, to be able to just do what’s expected
    and not try to be PERFECT.
    This isn’t a perfect world.
    We are not perfect people.
    Why do I have to be perfect?
    Who’s judging me?
    I guess there’s nothing to do but
    be me.
    Be content to be me.
    Accept me for being me.
    And maybe, just maybe
    it will all come together perfectly.

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