Art Club News
    I think art club this year is go­
    ing to be exciting and success­
    ful. This year our president is
    Bridgette Crandon, a very tal­
    ented junior. Our vice president
    this year is, Abby Dandino, our
    secretar is Heather Beman, and
    our Treasurer is Katie Colbert.
    Art club has decided that we
    are going to be more involved
    and do some very interesting
    and different fundraisers. Our
    theme this year for fundraisers
    is Andy Warhol. He was a great
    artist who painted and worked
    with multiple objects. We have
    the idea of a canned drive and
    a used good shoes drive. Be­
    fore anything, though, we have
    to finish a mural that we started
    for the joint maintenance facil­
    ity that will surely make it a
    happier place to be and work.
    The new art room is a wonder­
    ful place to learn, it s a very
    cheerful place to be and it is so
    very welcoming. It s great how
    everyone is helping out so much
    to keep it nice and clean. Class
    sizes are larger than ever. Over
    160 different students work and
    store projects in there. Be sure
    to check out the new showcases
    and display spaces in the new
    (and old) hallways.
    ­Abby Dandino
    Guess the Students?!?
    Photos by Terri Campbell
    Middle school students hard at work!
    Kali O Sullivan hard at work in Drawing and Painting 1
    Painting by Nichole Campbell
    Levi Schutt getting squirrely!
    Matt Hockenbruckner s frog
    Kali O Sullivan natural forms
    sketchbook assignment
    Sarah Herendeen s lion cub
    Lachanda Mills toad

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