1. Motion by Councilman Yale authorizing Paul Russell, Town Engineer, to sign building permits.
          2. Seconded by Councilman Maciuska.

Letter to the Board

September 30, 2005

“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand. “ - - Woodrow Wilson
Greetings from Wayne Central. Below are a few items of interest.
Board Letter:
1.  Three Boards Meeting: Walworth is hosting the next Three Boards Meeting and has selected October 25 at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time. The meeting will be held at the Walworth Town Hall on Lorraine Drive. Please be thinking about what you would like to discuss at that meeting so we can submit agenda items.
2.  County Fiscal Report: A couple weeks ago I mentioned to you that Joe Marinelli was serving on a committee of county representatives interfacing with the County Board of Supervisors to discuss county fiscal matters. He referred to the attached Wayne County Fiscal Advisory Team “Fiscal Report” which we had requested he forward to us for review.
3.  Football Field: As you have been aware Greg and I have been very concerned about the grass on the football field. It did not grow well this spring or summer. While the fall growing season did produce some results we still felt it was below expectations. The field was one of the reasons we have held on to 1.2 million dollars worth of payments due to Christa Construction for other work done. This week we had a meeting with the President of Christa, Mike Demler along with Lyle Cory of LaChase and Todd Liebert of CPA. After a long and sometimes heated discussion Christa construction conceded to the district’s demand that the current grass be taken up and replaced with sod. They will be sodding the entire area with a blue grass Rye combination from Batavia Turf farm. This was a huge win for us. We will be assured of a beautiful field for next season. Mr. Miller is extremely pleased.
4.  Dan Green Letter: Enclosed is a copy of an email from Dan Green who is a former Board Member. It was nice to hear the kind words from him because he is careful about how often he says them.
5.  Albany Conference: The Albany superintendent’s conference was excellent. One of the better sessions was with our Assistant Commissioner Jim Kadamus. As the State has looked at the data they have found two trends that support our beliefs. First, students are stepping up to the higher standards. There hasn’t been the increase in drop out rates or GED as some predicted. We have been seeing the same thing here where students are working harder than they have in the past and our scores are better than they ever were in the past. Secondly, students who fall behind, stay behind. Our push to make sure every student leaves second grade reading on grade level is supported by what the research is showing.
6.  WTA Negotiations: We completed our two days of training today. It went very well. I am hopeful we will have as good negotiations.
7.  Financial Oversight Sessions:    Attached is information on additional training that is being offered by the Monroe County School Boards Institute on November 5 and has been approved by SED for the required training. Also note, that it is not the same as the NYSSBA offerings at the convention, so you may wish to look them over comparatively and determine which sessions you feel better suit your needs, or offer less interference at the convention. If anyone is interested in attending, please let Lori know.
8.  Parent Letter: Attached is a letter from David and Diane Wilbert regarding their children’s educational experiences at Wayne. It’s nice to hear the good stuff now and then!
9.  Alan Havesi Info: Attached is a pamphlet from SED regarding the state audit process and what is looked at. This is more information responding to the Long Island embezzlements and misappropriations, I believe, and the need to raise awareness to how the overall process works.
10.  Upcoming Events:
Oct. 4 – OP/OE PTA Mtg. @ OE – 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 4 – HS Open House – 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 5 – MS Concert “Katrina Benefit” @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 6 – OP Open House – 6:30 p.m.
Oct. 7 – School Closed for Students – Staff Training Day
Athletics: (Home Events)
10/3 – Girls’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Midlakes – 5:00 & 6:00 p.m.
10/4 – Boys’ V Golf vs. Waterloo @ OGC – 4:15 p.m.
10/4 – Boys’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Midlakes – 5:30 & 6:30 p.m.
10/6 – Boys’ JV Football vs. Newark – 4:15 p.m.
10/6 – Boys’ JV Golf vs. Geneva @ OGC – 4:15 p.m.
10/7 – Boys’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Canandaigua – 5:30 & 6:30 p.m.
10/11 – Girls’ JV & V Soccer vs. Canandaigua – 4:15 & 7:00 p.m.
10/11 – Girls’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Geneva – 5:00 & 6:00 p.m.
6. Attachments:
a)  Kate Chamberlain article to Wayne County Star
b)  MCSBI Financial Sessions
c)  Wayne County Fiscal Report
d)  Wilbert Letter
e)  Dan Green Email
f)  Walworth Town Board Meeting Minutes – 9/15
g)  Walworth Town Board Meeting Minutes – 9/1
h)  Alan Hevesi SED Info “Understanding the Audit Process”
i)  WFL BOCES Board Newsletter – September
j)  Wayne’s World


From: Cox, Kim
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 2:21 PM
To: Staff, Freewill; Havens, Michael
Subject: FW: kindergarten and other topics...

Kate Chamberlain submitted this to the Wayne County Star and it will be run for publication today. It’s nice to see that we do make a difference. Congratulations.
Kindergarten, 2005
It was exciting, but a bit scary. It was exhausting, but
rather exhilarating. It was the first day of Kindergarten, but,
we're okay now.
When my first born walked down the dusty, dirt road that was
our street, I cried. As the second son followed in his big
brother's foot-steps, my prayer was that he not turn on his
"stubborn streak" when the teachers asked him to do something.
The third child was, well, more than ready to leave home and
Only two years ago, I heard the fourth child clamber up the
tall step to the big yellow school bus right at the end of our
paved driveway and street. But, now with my heart pounding
wildly, I was boarding the bus with my youngest for his
Kindergarten Orientation.
This was the first year that Wayne Central had the parents
ride the bus with their kindergarten child. The regular bus came
for students in Grades One through Five at the regular time.
Then, Buss 223 came back for the wee folks. We were a bit
dismayed when the bus rumbled on by us as we stood at the "safety
line" we'd painted on our driveway. Apparently, when the whole
school changed to a new computer program, our bus stop of more
than a quarter of a century had been eliminated. Sharron's quick
thinking had her back up to let us board, as she walkie-talkied
to the Dispatcher to add us to the bus print-out.
JohnCarl's nimble body climbed the bus steps without any
difficulty. I raised my foot up very high, anticipating the
first step onto the bus. To my surprise, my foot came to rest at
a comfortable height. The new bus steps are now lower than the
old bus steps! I suspect the inside of the bus is more child-friendly,

too, because I could barely fit through the aisle and,
when I sat down, my knees were smushed against the seat back in
front of me. My guide dog, though, fit nicely under the seat.
Do you remember how schools used to smell of crayons, peanut
butter sandwiches and old, waxed wood floors? That's all gone.
The newly renovated and enlarge front office has diminished the
original, spacious foyer that used to be there. The old carpets
are gone, as are all the old chairs and tables in the cafetorium.
The hallway floors are all a type of rubber (?) Tile that the
children love to slap their feet on to make really cool sounds.
The cafetorium sports wonderful new tables with attached benches.
These can be folded up and vertically stored away to open up the
floor space for cleaning and other activities.
Members of the very active Freewill Parent Group met us in
the cozy foyer and guided us toward the gauntlet of staff
requesting such things as physical forms, proof of immunization,
lunch money deposits, emergency bus stops and, in turn, handed
out a Parent Group Packet, welcome to Freewill letters and other
informational items.
The Principal, Mrs. Kim Cox, who is also a Walworthian with
the accent on worth, welcomed us and had the Kindergarten
teachers and professional support faculty introduce themselves.
Then, the big moment came. My little one walked off with a
stranger! There was no hesitation, although, he did have to come
back to the table for his back-pack. And he was gone. Just like
that. He was gone.
The "veteran"parents left behind were supposed to talk with
the "first timers"; to share information about what it's like and
to field any concerns the "first timers" might have. I was
trying to choke back the lump in my throat and tears that were
burning my eyes, when a thought occurred to me that turned my
frown upside down: When I get home, I can go to the bathroom all
by myself!
Once the principal excused us, I hurried to Miss Zelazny's
room. I was anxious to meet the other children and their parents
in JohnCarl's class - the Class of 2018. The children had found
their names taped to the table top and were quietly listening to
a story. They appeared to be very content and grown-up.
After a tour of the building, we cued up to go through the
lunch line. Well, at least that hadn't changed! It was a long,
hot wait to get all the way through, but we quietly chatted with
each other. It was fun to find out who is STILL at Freewill.
After lunch, we were dismissed table by table, just as they
will be during the school year, and returned to our classroom.
The children felt very important as they showed us their seat,
cubby/hook and the computers in their room.
All too soon it was time to line up to board our bus for the
return trip home.
We're Kindergarten veterans, now. The hassles of the
previous weeks of buying new clothes, finding the most awesome
sneakers, the coolest lunch box, locating supplies and back-packs
and the change in daily routines have been forgotten. Our
nerves have calmed down and we're into our new normal. Child and
Mother are doing fine.

...Fern said: Words that soak into your ears are whispered, not

The regular Town Board meeting, held at the Walworth Town Hall, 3600 Lorraine Drive, was called to
order at 7:30 P.M. by Supervisor Frank Guelli. Board members present: Frank Maciuska, Patti Marini,
and Thomas Yale. Absent: Daniel Keyes
Other town employees present:  Norman Druschel, Building Inspector
                      Debora Germain, Recreation Director
                      Richard Morris, Attorney for the Town
            Paul Russell, Town Engineer
            George Schaller, Sewer Superintendent
                      Phil Williamson, Code Enforcement Officer
                      Marcia Englert, Town Clerk
                      Karen Ambroz, Deputy Assessor
 Motion by Councilwoman Marini to accept the minutes of September 1, 2005 as presented.
 Seconded by Councilman Yale and unanimously carried.
 Motion by Councilwoman Marini to approve the August Supervisor’s report as presented.
 Seconded by Councilman Maciuska and unanimously carried.
 1.  DRAINAGE:          
   Motion by Councilman Yale to approve payment of Drainage Claims totaling $1.00.
   Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
   Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
   Motion carried.
   Motion by Councilman Yale to approve payment of the following Fire Protection District
       Lincoln Fire Protection  $ 6,118.65
       West Walworth Fire Protection   5,480.79    
           Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
   Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini  Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
   Motion carried.
   Motion by Councilman Maciuska to approve payment of Gananda Sidewalk District Claims
   totaling $20,568.95. Seconded by Councilman Yale.
   Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
   Motion carried.
   Motion by Councilman Yale to approve payment of General Claims totaling $27,994.37.
   Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
   Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
   Motion carried.
   Motion by Councilwoman Marini to approve payment of Highway Claims totaling $49,952.79.
   Seconded by Councilman Yale
   Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
   Motion carried.
   Motion by Councilman Maciuska to approve payment of the following Lighting Claims:
         Walworth Light District   $1,095.52  
         Harvest Hills Light District  1,077.66      
         Gananda Light District   930.58
         Brookside Light District   11.27
           Seconded by Councilman Yale.
   Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
   Motion carried.
   Motion by Councilman Maciuska to approve payment of Sewer District Claims totaling
   $13,421.63. Seconded by Councilman Yale.
   Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
   Motion carried.
   8.  TRUST & AGENCY:
   Motion by Councilwoman Marini to approve payment of Trust & Agency Claims totaling
   $16,894.29. Seconded by Councilman Yale.
   Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
   Motion carried.
           9.  WATER EXTENSIONS:  
   Motion by Councilwoman Marini to approve payment of the following Water Extension
   Claims:  SW19 $10,379.50
         SW20 2,848.00  
                 Seconded by Councilman Yale.
   Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
   Motion carried.
Mike Bagne, representing Dolomite Corp., stated that Dolomite is having an open house on October 8, 2005 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. As part of the event the company is requesting permission to have a demonstration blast. NYS DEC has given their approval subject to the Town’s approval.
   MOTION:  Motion by Councilman Yale authorizing Dolomite Products Company to
         conduct a demonstration blast at noon on October 8, 2005, and authorizing the
         Supervisor to send a letter to DEC advising of the approval. Seconded by
         Councilman Maciuska.
         Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli        Aye
                                       Councilman Keyes      Absent
                                                                Councilman Maciuska  Aye
                                                                        Councilwoman Marini  Aye
          Councilman Yale        Aye
         Motion carried.
 A petition was received from 16 Mildahn Road residents requesting that the speed limit be reduced
 from 40 mph to 30 mph.
 MOTION: Motion by Councilman Maciuska authorizing the submission of the Mildahn Road
        speed limit reduction request to the NYSDOT for review. Seconded by Councilman
        Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli      Aye
                                        Councilman Keyes      Absent
                                                  Councilman Maciuska      Aye
                                                          Councilwoman Marini  Aye
                                        Councilman Yale      Aye
              Motion carried.
 Richard Morris will review the Penflex Service Award Summary.
 Councilman Yale offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by
 Councilwoman Marini to wit:
   BE IT RESOLVED that the Account Clerk be authorized to transfer the following:
 $ 1,200.00  from General Fund Balance to A1355.42 for the cost of the 2006 Valuation
         Analysis. Funds offset by 2004 Annual Aid from NYS Real Property Services.
11,265.50  from Gananda Sidewalk District Fund Balance to SM5410.41 for the cost of
         Waterford Road sidewalk repairs.
                     488.00  from A7310.44 to A7310.13 for salaries
 2,600.00  from General Fund Balance to A1220.42 for Payroll/Benefits Adm. Fees.
 7,436.70 from General Fund Balance to A1420.42 Litigation.
 Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
 Resolution adopted.
 Motion by Councilman Maciuska authorizing the use of Ginegaw Park by Cub Scout Pack 113 on
 October 28, 2005 from 5:30-9:00 P.M., noting that water may not be available and fires must be in
 the existing barbecue pits. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
 Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
 Motion carried.
 Paul Russell stated that the preconstruction meeting has been held and work has begun. The bridge
 and road will be closed beginning Monday, September 26.
 Motion by Councilwoman Marini to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Maciuska and
 unanimously carried. Time: 7:45 P.M.
             Respectfully submitted,
             Marcia Englert, RMC
             Town Clerk

The regular Town Board meeting, held at the Walworth Town Hall, 3600 Lorraine Drive, was called to
order at 7:30 P.M. by Supervisor Frank Guelli. Board members present: Frank Maciuska, Patti Marini
and Thomas Yale. Absent: Daniel Keyes,
Other town employees present:  Norman Druschel, Building Inspector
                      Michael Frederes, Highway Superintendent
                      Debora Germain, Recreation Director
                      Richard Morris, Attorney for the Town
            Paul Russell, Town Engineer
            George Schaller, Sewer Superintendent
                      Phil Williamson, Code Enforcement Officer
                      Marcia Englert, Town Clerk
 Motion by Councilwoman Marini to accept the minutes of August 18, 2005 as presented. Seconded
 by Councilman Yale and unanimously carried.
A note of thanks was received from Adeline Sauer for the removal of the hogweed in front of her home. Motion by Councilman Yale to accept and file the letter. Seconded by Councilman Maciuska and unanimously carried.
              A notice was received from Wayne Central School that Helen Jensen was designated School
     Tax Collector.
     MOTION:  Motion by Councilwoman Marini to appoint Helen Jensen as School Tax
           Collector for the 2004-2005 school year for those portions of the Town of
         Walworth located in the Wayne Central School District. Seconded by
         Councilman Maciuska.
         Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli            Aye
                                   Councilman Keyes        Absent
                                    Councilman Maciuska    Aye
                                                       Councilwoman Marini    Aye                      Councilman Yale        Aye
         Motion carried.
     A notice was received from Pal-Mac Central School that Lynne Green was designated School
     Tax Collector.
     MOTION:  Motion by Councilwoman Marini to appoint Lynne Green as School Tax
           Collector for the 2004-2005 school year for those portions of the Town of
         Walworth located in the Palmyra-Macedon Central School District. Seconded
         by Councilman Maciuska.
         Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli            Aye
                                   Councilman Keyes        Absent
                                    Councilman Maciuska    Aye
                                                         Councilwoman Marini    Aye                        Councilman Yale        Aye
         Motion carried.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: No one present offered any comments.
 Supervisor Guelli presented certificates to Lyssa Hadley, 516 Bills Road, and Emily Schnepf, 554
 Bills Road in recognition of their efforts in publishing a weekly neighborhood newspaper entitled
 “The Bills Rd. Brush Up,” which included interviews, contests, and area history. A sample copy is  attached.
Motion by Councilman Maciuska authorizing prepayment of the Harris Beach bill, totaling
$2,552.20, from line A1420.42, which reflects a 2% discount. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
 Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
 Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Yale authorizing Paul Russell, Town Engineer, to sign building permits.

Motion by Councilman Yale authorizing Paul Russell, Town Engineer, to sign building permits.

Seconded by Councilman Maciuska.

Seconded by Councilman Maciuska.
  Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
 Motion carried.
Dell Systems:      978.00 ea. = $2,934.00
Gateway (State bid price):  815.07 ea. = 2,445.21
Integrated Systems:   1,078.00 ea. = 3,234.00
2.  AWARDED:  
Motion by Councilman Maciuska to purchase three (3) computers from Gateway as per the State bid price of $2,445.21, to be expended from line A1620.21R. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
   Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
     Motion carried.
          Motion by Councilman Yale authorizing the release of $127,688.22 to the developer, from
 the Orchard View Development Letter of Credit. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
 Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini  Aye
           Councilman Yale  Aye
 Motion carried.
 Supervisor Guelli stated that there will be a fireworks display on November 5, 2005 at Carey Lake
 for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball. Bruce Carey will notify adjacent property owners.
 Debora Germain stated that the Gananda Youth Football Organization has requested authorization
 to place sponsors’ banners and signs on the shed or baseball backstops at Dolomite Park.  Discussion ensued. The Board agreed that the banner/signs, the total of which cannot exceed 40 sq.
 ft., may be placed on the shed or on stakes at the rear of the park, only during the event.
 Motion by Councilman Maciuska authorizing Sonny Jacobs to extend the concrete storm
 drain by 60 ft., including topsoil and seeding, for a cost of $3,600.000. Seconded by
 Councilwoman Marini.
 Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini  Aye
           Councilman Yale  Aye
 Motion carried.
 Councilman Maciuska thanked Mike Frederes, the Highway Dept. and Paul Russell for the
 Waterford Road sidewalk replacement and repairs.
 Motion by Councilman Maciuska to adjourn. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini and unanimously
 carried. Time: 7:55 P.M.
             Respectfully submitted,
             Marcia Englert, RMC
             Town Clerk

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