In this course, you will meet several challenges, within a range of topics:

    The Power of Love , in which you will look at several kinds of literature and will encounter Romeo and Juliet, among others.
    The Individual in Society , through which you will examine ways in which authors portray how individuals fit (or don’t) into society.
    Coming of Age ,  through which you will see ways in which authors celebrate a person’s passing from one stage of life to another.

    How Words Mean, in which you will see and show how the choice of words and phrases adds force and effectiveness to speech and writing.
    What Do Poets Do? in which you will observe and use some of the skills that poets use.
    Huh? Wha’dya Say? through which you will develop your listening skills
    How Can I Study More Easily? in which you will practice more powerful and easier study skills, including the building of vocabulary for other courses.
    The Career Project , in which the Guidance Office helps you research possible careers.
    We are bound, by honor and by the Dundee discipline code, to give credit for others’ ideas, information, and phrasing to those others. Any assignment violating this requirement will earn a zero. You have got to give credit to any source or any help in any assignment at any time. Any assignment violating this requirement AT ANY STAGE OF ANY DRAFT will earn a zero, IMMEDIATELY. Read the Student Handbook for other consequences. If you have doubts or questions about what you’re doing, see your teacher.
    You will help to design rubrics and grading scales for some assignments. For other assignments, we will be using some excellent descriptions of what good work looks like.
    Report Card Grades:
    Composition:  50%,
    Literature:    25%,

    Other work:    25%

    You can get lesson plans from our room door and by going on the Internet to < >, clicking on the EduTech School Districts folder, then on the Dundee Central School folder, next on the Junior–Senior High School folder, and finally on the folder for our plans. .
    Contacting me: 
    You can voicemail me at 607.243.5533 ext 7219 and you can email me at <>.

    I have read the course syllabus for English 9.
    (Signed) ___________________ .     ___________________ .
       student ..         date
    (Signed ___________________ .     ___________________ .
       parent ..         date
    This year I’m asking parents and guardians to provide one or more email addresses so that I can contact you easily:

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    Mark Scher . . . draft of 08/12/05 . . . printed Sep 4, 2005 . . . . 12:21 AM . . .page 1 of 1