1. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools

Letter to the Board

August 12, 2005
Greetings from Wayne Central. Below are a few items of interest.
Board Letter:
1.  Tax Rate: When we adopt the budget in April we always let the public know what our tax rate will be. We can't officially set the rate until we have the equalization rates from the towns so it always occurs at the August board meeting. This year the August meeting is later than usual (August 25). Greg has asked permission to go ahead and order the tax bills from the county so we can get them out to our tax payers on time. I told him he could although it would not be official (Please see his enclosed letter). As always, the rate is what we told the public in April. If any of you are going to push for a different rate (which would be unprecedented) please call me and I will tell him not to order the bills. Otherwise I will tell him to move ahead.
2.  Foundation: The Wayne Central Educational Foundation met on Thursday night to elect officers The results are as follows: President - Frank Robusto; Vice President - Pete Marini; Treasurer - Lee Stramonine; Secretary - Patti Marini. There are eight additional members of the Board of Directors. I will serve as an ex officio member and the liaison to the school and Board of Education. At our September meeting we will review bi-laws and learn about becoming a 501 C(3) non profit. Enclosed are the minutes of the first foundation meeting. Frank and Jeff's idea is becoming reality.    
3.  Building Project Update: The cafeteria columns are 90% complete. They look really nice. The progress on the cafeteria appears a bit slow. They expect to be finished on the 29th. Art rooms and science rooms are being filled with books and materials. They look very good. Flooring in A wing classroom’s are substantially finished. The hallway ceilings need to be done and there is additional classroom work to be finished. B wing has the ceiling grid in place but needs panels. The main office, nurses office and guidance suite still needs quite a bit of work. The old gym floor in sanded. That looks nice though you can see where the new wood was put down. The ceiling and lighting makes it look much brighter. We are still unhappy with the football field. The soil needs more work. This morning Bob Miller and myself found glass and some large rocks in the field. We have called a special meeting for next Tuesday to deal with the issue. I had a question about the number of parking spaces in the front of the school due to the rearrangement there. There used to be 34 parking spaces in front. With the change to diagonal parking, Greg believes it will increase to more than fifty.
We have Ontario Primary almost ready for school. As soon as that happens, we will pull that staff to other buildings to finish those areas. Freewill was supposed to have the tile and carpet finished last Friday. Then it was to be done this Wednesday. Now it looks like this Friday.
4.  Public Information Officer: A Board member has asked for a copy of the Public information officer, Amy Gephardt’s work. I don’t have her portfolio work which included some pretty outstanding things, but I have enclosed a couple writing samples.
5.  Long Weekend:  I am taking Friday and Monday off to create a long weekend in celebration of Wendy and my anniversary. This will be a good chance to rest up prior to the final push to open.
6.  Rigor in High School: I have enclosed a nice article from CNN.com regarding high school rigor. It states that most high school students welcome greater rigor in their high school programs. That gives support for what we are doing for model schools.
7.  WTA Negotiations: The WTA would like to sit down next week to talk about negotiations and the selection of a win-win facilitator. I believe that John and Rick volunteered to be on the negotiations team. Let me know if I am correct. The teachers would also like to meet the December 31st deadline for a contract. Benefits will be the big issue. We would love to match the CSEA 20% contribution.
8.  Attachments:
a)  Wayne Vanderbyl Information
b)  Tax Rate Letter
c)  Public Information Officer Samples
d)  HS Rigor Article

To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  August 10, 2005
Re:  Tax Bills
In order to have the 2005/2006 tax bills sent out by September 1st, 2005, we need to have them printed on Monday, August 22nd. Our next board meeting is not until August 25th. I am requesting permission to have the bills printed prior to the board of education meeting. The tax rate calculation is complete, and a copy is attached. Our projected tax rate increase at budget time was .19 cents per thousand for a rate per thousand of $21.16. Our actual rate will be $21.15 per thousand, an increase of .18 cents per thousand.
Please let me know if it is okay to have the tax bills printed on August 22Please let me know if it is okay to have the tax bills printed on August 22nd, with the board of education’s official approval taking place on August 25th.


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