1. Board Letter:

Letter to the Board

August 5, 2005
“A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.” - - - Emo Philips
Greetings from Wayne Central. Below are a few items of interest.

Board Letter:

Board Letter:
Board Letter items
1.  Building Project: This week the construction crew is cautiously optimistic. Jeff feels they are a little ahead of schedule. The rooms in D wing are finished, floors waxed and furniture returned. Floor tiles are being laid in the hallway as I write this. A wing is getting ceiling tiles right now. Work needs to be finished in the classrooms. B wing is also getting ceiling tiles right now. Some of the rooms are done. There is still work to do in the main office, guidance and the nurses office. I am pleased with how the guidance area is turning out. There will be much more space for students. C wing is progressing though there appears to me to be much work left. They are leveling floors in the cafeteria and fitness room. The asbestos crew left a hose running in the old gym which damaged an area of the floor. We have put in a claim to the company. In the mean time a section of flooring is being replaced. I am concerned that it will be impossible to exactly match the flooring. E wing is coming fine. The library looks particularly good. The garage door has been replaced as has the “BJs” style ceiling. It looks more like a library now. The flooring has to be done and books returned. If any of you are interested in a tour give me a call and we can do a walk through. It is my daily activity. The other buildings are all coming fine. I don’t see any problems with them finishing on time. The class rooms and hallways in both OP and Freewill are looking great. The cafeteria in OP turned out especially well.
2.  Grant Writer: At the August Board meeting I will be recommending Kim Maira to you as our new half time grant writer at a salary of $25,000. She has great experience writing grants having secured over a million dollars during the last three years. She is excited about the opportunity to try her skills in a public school setting.
3.  Public Information Officer: At that Board meeting I will also be recommending Amy Gebhardt as our Public Information officer at a salary of $38,000. Amy currently works in the same position at FLCC and will be taking a slight salary cut to work for our organization. Her work is amazing. I think you are going to be quite pleased with the quality of material that will be produced.
4.  Personal Note: Those of you with college graduates will appreciate this. My daughter, Jill, is now not only officially graduated but she has obtained a job in her field. I didn’t think that happened anymore. The only bad part is that she is working in Baltimore. I now join Rick, Joyce, Mark and Jackie with children who have left the state for employment.


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