1. ACE English (meeting BCE)

English 9 (Block 9.01, meeting days ACD; 9.02, meeting ABD; 9.03, meeting BDE; 9.04, meeting BCE)
Daily: review Global voc. (abbot, abdicate, absolutism, acid rain, the Acropolis, The Age of Enlightenment, imperialism, alloy, alluvial soil.ancestor worship, assimilation, autonomy ,autocratic , balance of power, Baptism, Barter )
Day 1: students examine the text of Romeo and Juliet as poetry.
Days 2 and 3: students (individually or in groups of 2-3) pick a character to trace through Shakespeare’s text (in Elements of Literature, Romeo and Juliet Plainspoken, or Romeo and Juliet Side by Side). They draw conclusions about the character’s characterization, conclusions about what their character’s interests are or how they deal with those interests. Are the consistent? Then each student writes an essay independently showing his or her conclusions.
Deadline: to be established as we approach the end of the week.


ACE English (meeting BCE)
Read (this will take us through the end of the semester)
Mukherjee, 186-199;
Man-Kong, 420-425;
Orwell, 487-491;
Bradford, 491-493.
Be prepared to evaluate the fullness of information provided in these pieces, the use of logic, and the presence of moral judgments and values.
English 12 (meeting days BCE)  
Students make individual contracts for reading from one or two anthologies of sci fi. See handout of prepared topics; they devise other ones. They must turn their project in by 3:30 on Thursday.
Extra credit if time permits: students research and report what contemporary research shows about how to discipline children, about how to direct their behavior. Students should google “child rearing.”


ELA Lab.09 (meeting day B)
Students catch up or work ahead of English class. Students may work on other subjects, with teacher leading them into using ELA skills.

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