1. Vocabulary Words Plate Tectonics
    1. Diverging center Converging center mid-ocean ridge  subduction 

Vocabulary Words Plate Tectonics
Tectonic plate    Lithosphere    Asthenosphere      Fault

Diverging center Converging center mid-ocean ridge  subduction 

Diverging center  Converging center  mid-ocean ridge    subduction  
hot spot    sliding boundary  epicenter      focus or foci
elastic rebound theory   S- waves    P-waves    Compressional waves
Shadow zone    Moho      Rift valley     spreading center
Dike      Sill      convection currents   magnetism/polarity
Fold      deep sea trench  tephra       law of cross cutting
Earthquake    primary waves    secondary waves   shear waves
Seisomogram    seismograph    time travel graph   Richter scale
Magnitude    uplifting    overturning     tsunami
**Be able to identify topographic features that should occur at each location of plate movement.
** Be able to identify whether a plate is continental or oceanic; give relative densities and know which plate would subduct at converging centers
** Be able to identify high frequency locations for volcanoes, earthquakes and plate boundaries.
**Be able to describe how is magnetism related to ocean floors and ocean floor spreading and relative ages of rock
at various locations on a line which crosses a mid-ocean ridge
** Be able to identify temperature, density, pressure and matter state of each of the earth’s layers using ESRT
** Be able to describe a hot spot and how it is made; locate 2 on ESRT.
** Be able to identify locations of spreading, converging and sliding boundaries using the ESRT
** Be able to calculate or locate the epicenter given seismographs or stations times for P and S waves
** Be able to calculate time differences or travel time between/for P, S waves.
** Be able to safety state behaviors that one should do in times of earthquakes.

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