Carefully read the following:
Objective: The Regents Earth Science Course is designed to provide laboratory activities and information to better understand basic concepts of physical earth science disciplines. At completion of the course students should be able to pass the New York State Physical Science Earth Science Regents.
1. Homework is given almost nightly. Assignments are designed to be completed between 10-45 minutes in length. The vast majority of assignments will be started in class. If students socialize minimally, most assignments should be almost completed before going home.
2. Homework is due the day it is due. If it is not handed in at the time of collection, a late penalty will be assigned but the paper will be accepted until 3:20pm. A zero (0) is assigned if as assignment is turned in after 3:20pm of the collection date.
3.  Option to parents with forgetful students : a small slip that identifies whether your child turned in the daily homework is available. It will be the student’s responsibility to get the slip, fill it out and ask Mrs. Rothfuss to sign it. It is the parents’ responsibility to ask for the slip daily from the student.
4. Thinkwave is a grading communication web site which is accessible at all times. It is updated weekly. Students and parents can track grades as they are earned and recorded. Notes may be left to Mrs. Rothfuss on the site.
5. There is a school site called Docushare that allows students to download forgotten worksheets off of the internet.  Class room notes are also available at this location for students who were absent. Everything is not posted, this continues to be a work in progress. Items are made available unit by unit through out the semester.
Class work:
1. Class work is often graded. It is collected the day done in class, but will be accepted with out penalty the following class. If the work is not completed in class, students are expected to complete the work as additional homework and turned in.
Laboratory Reports:
1. NY State requires that lab reports are completed and filed on site. Your student must have a specific amount successfully completed (receiving a passing grade) in order to take the exam. If a lab has not earned a passing grade, it may be corrected and resubmitted to receive a passing grade within the term or Regents credit only after the quarter has been closed. Labs are filed in the classroom. Parents are welcome to see a student’s folder at any time. Lab report grades are posted on Thinkwave.
Review Book Requirement:
Students are required to purchase an Earth Science Review Book. The cost is $8.00. Money will be collected the fist week and an order placed. Students may use old issues or buy used copies if available. We understand there will be a few families undergoing hardship that this purchase would be difficult. Please contact Mrs. Rothfuss directly, and arrangements will be made to make sure your student has the tools to be successful.
Extra Help:
1. Mrs. Rothfuss is usually available afterschool from 2:10-3:20pm. A bus pass is available on non-keep days. Extra tutoring or assistance is always there for any students who takes the initiative to walk in the door. Lunch appointments or off hour appointments can be scheduled if a student has after school obligations, all you need do is ask!
1. A special internet accessible account will be assigned to your student and also a separate code for each parent. From that point you may access his/her scores at any time.
 If your student is in danger of failing a 5 week term, I will do my best to contact you either by phone or written report, but it is your student’s and your responsibility to check the site each week,
2. Mrs. Rothfuss tries to update the Thinkwave account weekly. Please be patient, sometimes family life prevents me from updating as consistently as I’d like. Please also note that I am not perfect. On occasion an error may occur. Have your student speak with me on a 1 to 1 and together we can discuss the problem and resolve it.
3. Grades are formally reported each 5 week marking period. Mrs. Rothfuss’ class book generally closes 1 week prior to the close of a quarter.
Teacher/Parent Communication:
1. There are several options available.
 a) telephone 594-3100 and leave a hand written message. Voice mail is available, but if it is time sensitive issue please have a secretary write a memo to my mailbox. I’ll try to call when convenient and often in the evening.
 b) e-mail: My address is hrothfuss@nrwcs.org I am very good about responding within 24 hours if you request a response.
 c) Thinkwave: there is an option for leaving messages on the grading program. Please note I don’t work with this program daily, so if it is a time sensitive issue, please choose to e-mail or telephone instead.
Graduation Requirements:
 All students need to pass two (3) science courses. One course in the Physical Sciences (Earth Science, Chemistry or Physics), and one course in Life Sciences (Living Environment or Environmental Conservation). All students must pass at least one Regents exam.
I have read and fully understand the expectations for the course above.
Please send the $8.00 for the Review Book as soon as possible.
Date signed _______________________________

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