1. Possible Mathematical Topics:
    1. Grading Criteria
    2. ___________ I. Presentation is complete and addresses specifications guide. Each slide will be worth 10 points.
    3. (70 pts possible)
    4. Total = 100pts

8th Grade Math Project

You will be creating a PowerPoint presentation on a famous mathematician or mathematical topic!
Listed below are a guide for your presentation, a list of possible mathematicians and topics you may choose from (you can find your own as well), a timeline of important dates and rubric for which the project will be graded.

Paper Specifications Guide
(for mathematical topic)
Title Slide
2nd slide – Introduce and discuss the mathematical topic and discuss who came up with the topic.
3rd slide - Tell about the authors/creator’s background and how he/she came across this idea.
4th, 5th, 6th, etc – Discuss the mathematical concepts that are involved in this topic. Discuss what was going on in the world and the “world of math” during that time period.
Final slide - Why is this contribution important in our lives? Has the idea evolved through the years? Explain.

Possible Mathematical Topics:
Pascal’s Triangle
Number Systems
History and Uses of the Pythagorean Theorem
Golden Ratio
Fibonacci Sequence
Monies of the world and conversion
Four Color Problem
Magic Squares

(for mathematician)
Title Slide
2nd slide - Introduce the mathematician, tell about his/her most important contribution, why this person is worthy of a presentation.
3rd slide - Tell about their family life, childhood, where they grew up, lifestyle. What was going on throughout the world during his/her time.
4th slide - Tell about their training, college, research, schools, education.
5th, 6th, etc - Important contributions: mathematically and personally.
Final slide - Why are these contributions important in our lives?


Possible Mathematicians:

  Archimedes         Eratosthenes of Cyrene

  Agnesi, Maria         DeMorgan, Augustus

  Barrow, Isaac         Klein, Felix Christian

  Clavius, Christopher       Halley, Edmond

  Kepler, Johannes       Zeno of Elea

  Sir Isaac Newton       Boyle, Robert

  Galilei, Galileo       Russell, Bertrand

  Einstein, Albert       Dodgeson, Charles Lutwidge

  Euclid of Alexandria       Cartwright, Dame Mary Lucy

  Hilbert, David       Plato

  Pascal, Blaise         Aristotle

  Copernicus, Nicolaus       Riemann, Georg

  Fibonacci, Leonardo Pisano     Cantor, Georg Ferdinand

  Hippocrates of Chios



You must have at least three different sources. Be sure to keep a bibliography on your sources!

Wednesday, May 14 (due) Choose topic
Friday, May 16 (due) Research - at least 3 sources
Friday, May 19-23 Work on Presentation In Class
Tuesday, May 27 - ? Present to Class



Grading Criteria

Grading Criteria

Counts as a Test grade.

___________ I. Presentation is complete and addresses specifications guide. Each slide will be worth 10 points.

___________ I. Presentation is complete and addresses specifications guide. Each slide will be worth 10 points.

(70 pts possible)

(70 pts possible)
___________ II. Presentation is well written, informative, and interesting, with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.  
(20 pts possible)  

___________ III. Work during class time     (10 pts possible)

Total = 100pts

Total = 100pts


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