August 28, 2001
    Last night’s Board of Education began with several parents voicing their concerns over
    the soccer program during Public Participation. Board Members reported on their
    attendance at the New Teacher Orientation and Board President Bucky Jordan read
    several thank ­ you notes from high school scholarship winners and the Town Board.
    The Consent Agenda included 17 items including the approval of the 2001­ 2002
    substitute teacher list, CSE and CSPE members, 5 elementary school monitors, wo rkers
    for the board election on September 25
    and the building substitutes for the Elementary,
    Middle and High School. Also under the Consent Agenda there were three
    administrative reassignments – Joan Pritchard, Robin Dunning and Reuben Byrd.
    Reports to the Board included the approval of 97 CSE cases as a block and discussion of
    topics for Board Reports for the upcoming school year. Several topics were discussed
    and the Board requested that a more informal discussion approach be used for these
    reports. Also, the Board will be asked for input for the building principals’ monthly
    Under Old Business, discussion of the board policy on election of School Board
    Members resulted in no action at this time. Further information will be gathered and
    discussion continued at a later date. Under New Business, three appointments were
    approved. They included Tracy Fisher’s appointment as High School Science Teacher,
    Eva Shield’s appointment to a .5 Spanish teacher at the High School and Baltazar
    Melendez’s appointment as a Physical Therapist.
    After Public Participation, the Board recessed into Executive Session at 8:35 p.m. They
    returned to Open Session at 10:15 p.m. and adjourned without taking further action at
    10:16 p.m.

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