June 14, 2001
    Wednesday evening’s Board of Education Meeting began with Public Participation where
    three members of the public spoke about the SAVE Plan. Announcements and
    Committee Reports began with Gretchen Craft citing the events she had at tended recently
    – Breakfast of Champions, School to Work Breakfast, 5
    and 6
    Grade Music Concert,
    High School Music Concert, High School Athletic Banquet and the VOPRO Graduation.
    She thanked Glen Shaw and Mason Farms for supplying the flowers at some of these
    events. Deb Larson reported on the Breakfast of Champions, Elementary School Festival
    of the Arts, Grandparents Day and her visit to the High School. She also recognized
    Doug Skeet for his efforts as Middle School Principal this year. Bucky Jordan reported
    on the Park Committee Meeting, the Scholarship Meeting and Grandparents Day. Bill
    Herbert reported on the Transportation Department Safety Breakfast and the last Town
    Board Meeting.
    Consent Agenda items were approved and included three substitute teacher appointments
    and one resignation of a bus monitor. CSE Case Summaries are approved as presented
    by Wanda Miller, CSE Chairperson. Under Old Business the Board began the discussion
    on the SAVE Plan, recently developed by the Safety Committee. The Board completed
    review of the Comprehensive Safety Plan and got part way through the Code of Conduct.
    They will complete the review at the next meeting and be ready to approve the Plan at the
    July 11
    Under New Business the Board approved the Senior Class Trip to Orlando, Florida for
    next year. Also approved was the new Reading Series for Grades 1­3. The resignation of
    John Svendsen was accepted with the Board offering best wishes on his new job. The
    Board approved the change in title (Computer Technician) and status (confidential) for
    Kevin O’Dell. The Board approved the following teacher appointments: Anthea
    Trombley, Special Ed. – High School; Lisa Marshall, Special Ed. Middle School; Wendy
    Feeney, Director of Curriculum and Instru
    ction; Cathy Smith
    ­Hogan, Special Ed. Middle
    School; and David Fitch, Math Middle School. Also approved were Extra Curricular
    appointments for 2001 – 2002 and staffing assignments needed to be done on an annual
    basis. In final action, the Board approved the salary adjustments for three confidential
    Upcoming meetings were reviewed, Public Participation was held and the Board recessed
    to Executive Session at 10:05 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 10:32 p.m. with no
    further business being con

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