October 26, 2000
    Wednesday night’s Board of Education Meeting began with the School Board members being
    recognized for their commitment and dedication to the students, staff and residents of
    Williamson as part of School Board Recognition Week celebrated across New York State.
    Under announcements, Gretchen Craft reported on the VOPRO Open House she attended and
    reported that she walked the property the District is considering purchasing. Bucky Jordan
    reported that he had visited the Transportation Department and talked with drivers and
    Supervisor, Nancy Weber, and that he is beginning the process of developing plans and ideas for
    a future capital project. Bucky also reported that the November 15
    meeting will begin with a
    tour of the High School building and the public meeting will take place in the High School
    Library. Deb Larson pointed out DARE week and recognized three High School students who
    will perform with the Rochester POPS Concert. She also provided the other Board Members
    with a written report from the NYSSBA Convention that she attended. Bill Herbert reported on
    the last Town Board Meeting and shared correspondence received. He recognized three Middle
    School students whose art work was displayed at the recent convention in Rochester.
    The Consent Agenda was approved which included substitute teachers and classified staff as
    well as winter coaching appointments. Under reports to the Board, Sandy Kane, Becky Lisy and
    Norlyn Legler were in attendance to present a report on the Early Literacy Profile being
    instituted in grades 1­3 at the Elementary School. The inventory is a new requirement from the
    State Education Department and will serve as a diagnostic tool to identify each student’s reading,
    writing, listening and speaking level. The inventory will be administered yearly and the results
    will be passed along with the student through the Elementary grades. Results will be shared with
    parents at teacher conferences and progress will be tracked continuously as the student’s literary
    level increases. Teachers have begun to administer the new assessment. Monthly Principal
    Reports were received with portions being highlighted by the administrators.
    Under Old Business the Board continued their review of policies. Policies 1333, 1551, 1571 and
    1700 were approved for a second reading; policies 1510 & 1810 were approved for a first
    reading. These two will be read a second time at the next meeting. President Herbert also
    announced to the Board that the 2000 and 3000 sections will be initially discussed at the next
    Under New Business the Board approved the CSE District Plan, that must be reviewed every two
    years. Wanda Miller and her staff were thanked for their work on this. The Board accepted the
    resignation of Scott Dawson, 8
    Grade English Teacher.
    After a short Executive Session, the Board approved the CSE Case Summaries that had been
    tabled earlier. Meetings were announced and Public Participation was held. The meeting was
    recessed to Executive Session at 9:15 p.m. and adjourned at 9:25 p.m. with no further business
    being done.

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