PO BOX 900
    WILLIAMSON NY 14589­0900
    Board Meeting Date – 12/19/01
    The meeting began with an extended public participation section to discuss the School Resource Officer that
    will begin working in the District during January. The purpose of the program is to have the Officer as a
    resource for the District. The District Administrators will work to develop a plan that will meet existing needs.
    These will include training for teachers, security audits for the schools, seminars for students and other duties
    that will be assigned by the Superintendent. While in the school, the Officer will report to the Administration
    and follow the District’s policies and procedures. Several questions were answered by the three troopers
    present – Major Mark Fischer, Capt. Don Swain and Officer Greg Brinkman, our School’s officer.
    Under Reports to the Board, the Board members reported on their participation in the Focus Groups that are
    being held with various stakeholders and on their atten
    dance at school events. Trustee Deb Larson met with the
    High School House Planning Team; Gretchen Craft attended the High School concert and a wrestling match;
    Laurie Verbridge visited the Elementary School for a morning; Bill Herbert attended a Town Board meeting;
    and President Richard Jordan attended the Middle School Grades 5­6 Concert.
    There were numerous appointments under the consent agenda. Also, the consent agenda included the
    acceptance of a donation from the Williamson Cheerleader Booster Club.
    Many case summaries were approved although there were six (6) cases that were remanded to the CSE
    Committee for review. A lengthy discussion of the District’s Reading program concluded with the Board
    asking for a follow­ up report in January to focus on data analysis of reading initiatives and student achievement.
    Under Old Business, the first and second readings of policies were conducted. Under this section of the agenda,
    discussion took place on the role and purpose of student Board of Education representatives. The five student
    representatives – Amber Payne, Zack Knowlden, Dean Ganskop, Tim Dickinson & Dima George – will rotate
    their attendance for the remainder of the year. The purpose of their attendance will be to report on activities in
    the High School, as well as to comment on agenda items.
    After a process check of tonight’s meeting, the Board recessed into Executive Session.

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