PO BOX 900
    WILLIAMSON NY 14589­0900
    January 11, 2002
    The January 9
    Meeting began with announcements of recent happenings. Laurie
    Verbridge reported on the attendance at the Bicentennial Committee Meeting and Board
    Vice­President, Bill Herbert, reported on the previous night’s Town Board Meeting.
    Trustee Gretchen Craft reported on attending a wrestling match the previous night and
    complemented Coach Jim Newby on the fantastic job he is doing. The consent agenda
    included the appointment of 5 substitute teachers and one substitute bus driver.
    Appointments were made for the High School Musical. They include Jennifer Vagianos
    as Choreographer, Amy Wright as Rehearsal Accompanist, Mary Quinn as Set Design
    and Construction Artist and Lois Fiegl as Director. The Musical Once Upon a Mattress is
    scheduled for the first week in April.
    Under Reports to the Board, CSE Cases were approved and CSE Chairperson, Wanda
    Miller, reported on the status of Special Education across the district. The percentage of
    Special Education students has decreased again last year. Also, Mrs. Miller reported on
    the types of reading programs Special Education students are receiving. Both of these
    areas represent progress in meeting goals set for the district.
    Under Old Business, one policy was approved and another tabled for further clarification.
    Under New Business, the resignation of Allison McCain as Middle School Computer
    Teacher was approved. The Board also asked to have the policy on school fund­raising
    included on a future agenda.
    Two upcoming meetings were announced. The Parent Focus Group Meeting will take
    place on the evening of January 16
    . Also, Board Members were encouraged to attend
    the meeting at the Town Hall on January 26
    to meet with State Senator Nozzolio.
    The Board recessed to Executive Session to discuss upcoming negotiations and personnel
    at 8:57 p.m.

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