    English 10
    Schindler’s List Response #2
    Directions: Answer the following questions with complete sentences. Make sure you write legibly. Papers turned in with incomplete answers or illegible writing are not acceptable!
    1.  Oscar Schindler states, “Power is when we have every justification to kill and we don’t.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? How does this statement affect Amon Goethe?
    2.  Why did Goethe want Isaac Stern to be his accountant as well as Schindler’s?
    3.  What is Goethe’s struggle where Helen Hirsch (his maid) is concerned? Who is he really mad at in the scene where he beats her in the wine cellar? Why is he mad?
    4.  Amon Goethe states, “The truth is always the right answer.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement as it relates to the circumstances in the film? Why?
    5.  Why did the women in the barracks find Mila’s story about the gas chambers to be so unbelievable?
    6.  Why were all of the children gathered and herded out of the Plaszow concentration camp? What fate do you expect for them?
    7.  List 4 acts of kindness or humanity that have been shown in the film.

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