March 1, 1999
    The gathering of the Art Program network began at 4:10. Present wereLou Lyman, Sue Lane, Camille Santangelo, Beth Flade, Dawn Schwind, Mary Evelyn Hoffman, Dave Huson, Jim Mason.
    Sue Lane mentioned that she has not yet been given permission to enter info into Docushare, and plans to call Lori.
    The next meeting is scheduled for the 25th of April, the Monday after vacation from 1-4 PM.
    Lou broached the topic of an option of different meeting times...e.g. a longer period of meeting with released time. Discussion developed with interest if the time used produces something worthwhile. Again the open goals of the committee and the role of the facilitator were explained.
    Discussion turned to state exams...and that Dawn has a draft copy of a junior high exam that she will share. She got this at an assessment conference in Buffalo...other members of this committee had not even heard about it. Jim pointed out that this is one of the roles for this share information and it could be through Docushare. For example, in Romulus they are including lesson plans for others to share. Art teachers could be using Docushare for this. It could eliminate the feeling and effects of isolation.
    Discussion jumped to the coming Conference Day. Mary-Martha Harvey of Canandaigua sent an agenda of their day and offered an invitation to committee members to come. Dave Hewson mentioned the Peer Mentor day in April at Nazareth...Dr. Karen Trickey, Director of Art Education, Nazareth College knows more about it. Workshops with other art teachers is very helpful.
    Need for consistent benchmarks from district to district. The technology committee is working on something like this. How would you like to approach this, if this is a common goal for members? How would this be done within the group?
    It could be useful to share these ideas between the scheduled meetings through email and Docushare.
    Jim mentioned a wonderful Links for artists and other art terms are so helpful.
    Camille suggested that each member could contribute something....and offer it for art teachers on Docushare. 1/3 of her curriculum is now using technology because of the number of computers in her room. Sue Lane has a how to manual for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. Newark has page layout courses. Camille has individual instruction binders by each computer for the students to use.
    Beth would like to keep the group together. Suggestion was made to bring questions to the group.
    Curriculum Designer was the software used in the Technology committee to write their curriculum.
    Discussion returned to assessment mysteries...what will the state require of the students? When will the art teachers get to know?
    In looking at the example of the Commencement Level Examination Tryout, NYS Visual Arts Standard #2...the committee decided to spend some time going through this example. There was concern that this example had no noted origin. It would be worthwhile to develop a list of vocabulary, artist, styles, techniques, materials, which cultures, careers, concepts. Who would anyone ask for more information? What Internet site would hold answers?
    How about having Karen Trickey come. Dawn will contact her for the next meeting, 4 PM. Lou will also be a contact person if needed.
     1...would need a list of artists and periods
     2...answers offered might all used
     3.. processes are outdated, guess by process of elimination
     4...subtractive transparent system is complex, concept of primary colors varies
    (Concern about inconsistencies of tests from year to we need a textbook? What is the basic curriculum content? Does one exist?)
     6...each school uses different programs
     9...palette knife isn’t used in many schools
    (Concern about varied techniques used in each of these a way the standards run a bit contrary to the art curriculum, a broad situation where different areas are emphasized according to the teachers’ talents.)
     11...some schools do video in tech class, and not for every student. What about photography? Not everyone has is. Technology problems exist in schools for digital photography.
    (A lot is on careers...has anyone seen elements and principles of design? Is this test really limited to Standard 2?)
    (How would it be if grading process is done like Language Arts...teachers would not be grading their own students’ work. Would there be rubrics? Would the learning that was the teacher’s goal show upon the example graded? Who here has some rubric examples? They are helpful for the teacher clarifying goals.)
     Constructed Response, Part I....really Language Arts
     Performance Event...this is a full art project...not something to be done in traditional exam times. The last one offers a lot of variation in the paintings.
    What questions would you like to ask K. T.?
     What information do you have about these tests?
     What do you look for in a h.s. student’s portfolio?
     What process exists for local art teachers’ input into the creation of these tests?
     Where do we start???
    We shared email addresses:
    Name          Address
    Sue Lane, Clyde-Savannah school
    Dave Hewson
    Lou Lyman school, but not connected yet
    Camille Santangelo
    Dawn Schwind
    Jim Mason, Romulus
    Mary Evelyn Hoffman
    Next time agenda: If Karen cannot come, look at curriculum, bottom up.  

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