1. Parent Sheet SS8 Mr. Cook Student’s Name_______________________

Parent Sheet SS8 Mr. Cook Student’s Name_______________________

Parent Sheet SS8 Mr. Cook Student’s Name_______________________
Directions: Parents should review the attached handout with their student and then fill out and sign this sheet. Please remember to fill also fill in the back. Students should return this sheet to Mr. Cook by September 10th. Be sure to keep the rest of the handout!
1. What do you think your student needs to improve upon in order to be successful in Social Studies this year? (example: completing homework, organization, quiz scores, paying attention...)
2. What goal (numeric grade) would you like to shoot for in the first 10 weeks? (No lower than a 75 please!)
3. Are there any other special things I should know about your student or your family? (If you would like to talk to me directly about this, please check the box below.)
I reviewed this handout with my student on (date) _________________
Parent’s Signature ________________________
Check this box if you feel it would be helpful to talk with you before we begin our program.
Your Phone Number ________________________
Other Questions or Comments:

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