North Rose-Wolcott High School
Course: Introduction to Occupations
Weekly Article Reporting Form
Weekly Article Reporting Form
Student Name ____________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Source of Article __________________________________________________ Publish Date __________________
Article Title ______________________________________________________ Author ______________________
1. Quantity: Twenty (20) articles are due during the twenty (20) week semester.
2. Topics: All articles must deal with one of the following topics:
a. Employment b. The Economy c. Business News d. Insurance
3. Source: The source of the article may be:
a. Newspaper b. Magazine c. Internet d. Business or Trade Publication
Some useful sites:
4. Originality: All newspaper, magazine and publication articles must be the originals. No photocopies are allowed.
5. Due Dates: Due dates will be announced. Summaries may not be submitted after due date. You may submit work prior to due date.
6.Accuracy: Article summaries will be graded according to how accurately they summarize the entire article.
7. Spelling / Grammar This is not an English class. However, your written communications are important and spelling, grammar and punctuation errors are not acceptable.
8. Completeness: The article must be attached to the back of your Summary Form by staple, tape or paper clip. Items that are not attached properly will lose 10 pts.
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