1. C. Duration of Job

Introduction to Occupations - Business "Team" Guidelines

A. Structure and Organization:
 1. Each Team will consist of 5-7 members.
 2. Teams will have (5) types of paid staff positions.
   a. Team Leader / Supervisor
   b. Accountant
   c. Assignment Clerk
   d. Attendance Clerk
   e. Support Staff
 3. The Supervisor will be "hired" by the classroom Instructor.
 4. The Team Leader will hire all other staff members.
B. Applying for a Staff Position:
 1. Obtain an employment application from the Instructor.
 2. Complete the application and submit to Instructor.
 3. Participate in a job interview.
C. Duration of Job
 1. All staff positions last for a 10-week marking period.
 2. At the end of the first 10 week marking period, all jobs will be declared vacant. Applicants will then be able to bid into new jobs.
D. Compensation:
 1. Salary "Bonus Points" - are earned according to the staff position and are added to the Participation Grade at the end of the 10-week marking period.
 2. Profit Contest / Profit Sharing- Periodically the Teams will calculate the Team's academic average. Each Team that makes a profit (attains an 85% average) during one "Profit Contest" period will divide the profits (the number of points over 85%) evenly among the Team members. If the Team does not earn a profit then there are no profit points to share.
E. Dismissal: (FIRING)
 1. The dismissal of the Supervisor can only be done by the classroom Teacher.
 2. The Supervisor handles all dismissals of other staff.
 3. All employees are given a ten (10) week probationary period and cannot be fired during that time. However, a poorly performing employee will not earn as many points toward the total participation grade.

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