1. Job #1

Introduction to Occupations
Using the Using “America’s Job Bank”
A. Introduction:
 1. This site will list job openings that you could apply for NOW, if you were looking for a job.
 2. Employers use this site to connect with job seekers.
 3. Job seekers use this site to search for jobs and send their resume to prospective employers.
B. Procedure:
 1. Log on to the NYS Department of Labor site:   http://www.ajb.org/  
 2. We will be working with the blue box in the bottom left-hand corner of the page.
 3. Click – Quick Search
 4.  Enter your zip code.
 5. Select a Job Title / Category, then click SEARCH
 6. a. The results that you will now get are actual job listings posted with this site.
   b. You will now be able to select particular job postings.
   c. Follow the instructions for finding out specific information about a particular job listing.
   d. Research the available positions that look interesting to you
   e. Record the following information for your two top job selections.

Job #1

Job #1
a. JOB ORDER  ____________________  f. REQUIRED DEGREE  ___________________
b. JOB ORDER  ____________________  g. REQUIRED LICENSES _________________
c. TITLE  ____________________  h. EXPERIENCE ________________________
d. SALARY  ____________________  i. HOURS _____________________________
e. EDUCATION  ____________________
Job #2
a. JOB ORDER  ____________________  f. REQUIRED DEGREE  ___________________
b. JOB ORDER  ____________________  g. REQUIRED LICENSES _________________
c. TITLE  ____________________  h. EXPERIENCE ________________________
d. SALARY  ____________________  i. HOURS _____________________________
e. EDUCATION  ____________________

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