Monday, October 2, 2000
    This Week!
    This week we will begin our weekly spelling
    tests. We will begin with only ten words. These
    words were taken from the list of twenty words that
    were introduced last week with our story entitled
    The Storm. Each week we will continue to draw
    words from the previous week’s story words. Tests
    will be given on Friday.
    In reading we will be working on three short
    stories. I have included all three with the newsletter
    Bird Feeder
    the return of
    food to our
    feeder, the
    birds are
    enjoying their
    daily feast. We
    are going
    through about a
    pound of seed each day, plus a handful of unsalted
    peanuts. The children have thoroughly enjoyed
    watching the Blue Jays come to check out those
    peanuts. It is neat to watch them pick up several of
    them, until they find the heaviest one, and then off
    they fly. We would appreciate any contributions
    the children can make to the bird seed supply. We
    will also be putting up a goldfinch feeder to keep
    them happy. I want to see if the children can
    identify them even though their wonderful yellow
    color virtually disappears during the winter months.
    Open House
    Open House is
    scheduled for this
    Thursday, October 5
    beginning at 6:15 with the
    P.T.A. meeting. Please
    mark your calendars. I
    am looking forward to
    talking with you, and
    giving you an overview of
    our Second Grade
    program through the
    assistance of a Power
    Point Presentation. Our presentation will begin
    immediately following the P.T.A. meeting.
    Book Fair
    Our Fall Book Fair will be held during the
    Open House hours and will be sponsored by “Kids
    Konnection” in the cafeteria.
    Columbus Day

    Please note that there will be
    no school
    the children on Monday, October 9
    in celebration
    of Columbus Day.

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