1. Science web sites

Science web sites
Internet Resources for Educators

Real time Science Data Access

Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System

Compelling National Internet Projects

Real Time Data Sites

Whale Net
Students are able to track location of various sea life through satellite
data. Students can then analyze data and along with scientists follow
migration patterns.

Is a project that gets students engaged in the global study of wildlife
migration involving various species. Students are also encouraged at this
site search for signs of spring, such as changing daylight, temperature, and
atmospheric conditions, and then report their findings and study the
findings of others around the world. There are weekly opportunities to "Ask
an Expert" and get student questions answered by scientist in the field.

Want to know what is happening around the world with volcano's? Then this is
the site for you. It maintains information about volcanic "hot spots"
throughout the world as well as providing real time information about the
volcanoes that are currently active. There is also a place to ask the expert
and get all your students burning questions answered.

This site encourages and supports real-time data collection activities,
including collecting and predicting weather patterns and collecting and
graphing ground or ocean temperature.

I found a wonderful web site for science:

Students participating in this project try to determine if there is a
relationship to latitude and temperature AND latitude and length of day.
Students take the temperature for each day during a specified week. They
also calculate the daylight hours for that week. Their data is sent to the
website where participants all over the world can view it. They do the
project in the spring and fall.


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