Names__________________________ ¨
____We chose are bear.
____We printed our data collection sheets.
____ WE have filled in out data collection sheets by collecting information from the web sites about our bears.
____We have used notes not sentences on our data collection sheets.
____WE have written a paragraph on Habitat.
____WE have written a paragraph on Description.
____WE have written a paragraph on Food.
____WE have written a paragraph on Family.
____WE have written a paragraph on Problems.
____WE have written a paragraph on solutions.
____We have used complete sentences, correct punctuation and spelling .
____We have had a peer conference and a teacher conference.
____We have a finial report written.
____We have practiced reading our report with our partner.
____Our names are on all our papers and the data collection sheets, rough draft, and finial copy are stapled together.
____We have handed in a final copy of our report to be published.
While practicing our reports, we remembered to:
____use a loud clear voice.
____hold our report down away from our faces.
____hold our report still while speaking.
____look at the audience