1. List 12
  2. List 13
  3. List 14
  4. List 15

English 10/10H Vocabulary Lists 11-15
List 11
1.  accede – (v.) to yield; to assume an office
2.  brandish – (v.) to wave or flourish in a menacing fashion
3.  comprise – (v.) to include or contain; to be made up of
4.  deft – (adj.) skillful, nimble
5.  destitute – (adj.) deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in
6.  explicit – (adj.) definite, clearly defined
7.  extirpate – (v.) to tear up by the roots; to destroy totally
8.  inopportune – (adj.) coming at a bad time; not appropriate
9.  ironic – (adj.) suggesting a difference between what is expected and what happens
10.  musty – (adj.) stale, moldy; out-of-date
List 12
1.  officious – (adj.) meddling; excessively forward in offering services
2.  ominous – (adj.) unfavorable, threatening
3.  pinnacle – (n.) a high point or peak
4.  premeditated – (adj.) considered beforehand, deliberately planned
5.  rampant – (adj.) growing without check, running wild
6.  solace – (n.) comfort, relief
7.  stately – (adj.) dignified, majestic
8.  supple – (adj.) bending easily; readily adaptable
9.  suppress – (v.) to stop by force, put down
10.  venal – (adj.) open or marked by bribery or corruption

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List 13
1.  abhor – (v.) to regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply
2.  amend – (v.) to change in a formal way; to change for the better
3.  buffet – (v.) to strike repeatedly; to force with difficulty
4.  chaos – (n.) great confusion, disorder
5.  commodious – (adj.) roomy, spacious
6.  corrosive – (adj.) eating away gradually, acid-like; bitterly sarcastic
7.  discern – (v.) to see clearly, recognize
8.  extant – (adj.) still existing; not exterminated, destroyed or lost
9.  implicate – (v.) to involve in; to connect with or be related to
10.  inter – (v.) to bury, commit to the earth

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List 14
1.  martinet – (n.) a strict disciplinarian; a stickler for the rules
2.  reprehensible – (adj.) deserving blame or punishment
3.  waive – (v.) to do without; give up voluntarily
4.  renegade – (n.) one who leaves a group; a deserter, outlaw
5.  voluminous – (adj.) of great size, numerous
6.  somber – (adj.) dark, gloomy
7.  obviate – (v.) to anticipate and prevent
8.  turbulent – (adj.) disorderly, riotous, violent; stormy
9.  vociferous – (adj.) loud and noisy
10.  squalid – (adj.) filthy, wretched, debased

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List 15
1.  animosity – (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility
2.  apathy – (n.) a lack of feeling, emotion, or interest
3.  apprehensive – (adj.) fearful or anxious, especially about the future
4.  commend – (v.) to praise, express approval
5.  compatible – (adj.) able to get along or work well together; capable of use with another model/system
6.  condolence – (n.) an expression of sympathy
7.  consecrate – (v.) to make sacred; to set apart for a special purpose
8.  decrepit – (adj.) old and feeble; worn-out, ruined
9.  deride – (v.) to ridicule, laugh at with contempt
10.  ingenuous – (adj.) innocent, simple; sincere

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