A successful Physical Education student attitude consists of maximum effort, sportsmanship, cooperation, and self-control. Students need to give maximum effort to the tasks being performed within the framework of the class structure.
Failure to participate in a unit will result in an incomplete or failure. The only exception is a medical excuse signed by a doctor. The excuse must describe limitations and must also state what activities can be participated in during the time period of the excuse. If the student cannot participate in any activity for a period of 2 or more weeks, they will be required to write a 3-page paper. The student must contact the instructor for guidelines.
1. Students are not to be late to class. A detention will result if you are late without a pass from a teacher.
2. Students in 1st period are to be sitting on the bleachers by 8:00. You will be marked tardy to school if you are late, and will need a pass from the nurse if you come in after 8:00.
3. No swearing or foul language is allowed. If you use inappropriate language as determined by us, you will receive either a warning or a loss of credit for the day.
4. You must participate and give your best effort in each unit. Any attempt to injure or hurt someone will be dealt with severely. Verbally putting down people will not be allowed. Detention(s) or extended detention will be assigned, as well as loss of class credit.
5. Uniforms that are in bad taste will not be allowed. This includes clothes with foul language or designs on them. It also includes clothes that are ripped, torn, too large or too short. Students will be asked to change into appropriate attire. Failure to do so will result in loss of class credit for the day.
7. Big lockers are for J.V. and Varsity athletes only. Violation of this rule results in detention and removal from big lockers.
8. The school attendance policy in your handbook will be enforced.
9. Students who are unprepared for class will receive a warning and loss of class participation credit for the day.
10. No food or gum is allowed. Repeated offenses will result in detention.
Disruptive students will lose participation credit and may receive detention(s).
12. School locks are loaned to each student. There will be a $5.00 charge for any lock lost or not turned in. No other locks will be allowed for security reasons.
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