    PO BOX 900
    WILLIAMSON NY 14589­0900
    August 22, 2003
    The August 13
    Board of Education Meeting began with a reception to honor teachers who had retired
    over the last two years and had a minimum of 20 years of service. Those honored were: Judy Jansen,
    Randy Ebert, Diane Bellows, Judy DiClemente, John Gallagher, Judy Matthews
    Under Announcements the Superintendent congratulated the Transportation Department for the increased
    rating from the Department of Transportation. This rating has increased from 89.7% last year to 95.2%
    this year. Credit and thanks were expressed to Mark Hill, Aaron DeNeef and Nancy Weber for their hard
    Under the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the hiring of two Assets Coordinators and a Volunteer
    Coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator is a new grant­funded position. The purpose will be to establish
    volunteer opportunities for students as well as bringing adult volunteers into the school. Carol Verbridge
    has been appointed to this position.
    Under Reports to the Board, CSE cases were approved and Administrative Intern, Kate Taylor, reported
    on the summer school activities District­wide. In addition to a joint Williamson­Marion Elementary
    Summer School, two High School Math classes were offered in­district, a migrant summer school was
    housed here and one 12­month program also called Williamson its home.
    Under Old Business, the Board began a discussion on upgrading the District newsletter. This discussion
    will be continued at an upcoming meeting.
    Other Board actions included a partial year leave for Middle School Psychologist, Michelle Bucenec and
    the appointment of Mary Leister­Schied as a Reading teacher. Two resignations were also approved:
    Fred Wackenhut, as Music Teacher, and May McCarthy as High School Spanish teacher. Suzanne
    Mogray was also granted a full­year leave.

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