    PO BOX 900
    WILLIAMSON NY 14589­0900
    July 11, 2003
    The Reorganizational meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on July 9
    in the Middle
    School Multi­Purpose Conference room. During this meeting the following were appointed to positions for the
    2003­04 school year:
    Board President – Laurie Verbridge
    Board Vice­President – William Herbert
    District Treasurer – Ken Lee
    District Tax Collector – Ann VanEenwyck
    School Physician – Dr. Persaud
    School Attorney – Wayne VanderByl
    Title IX Officer – Wendy Feeney
    Records Access Officer – Wendy Feeney
    Adult Ed. Director – Nancy Orbaker
    A meeting schedule was established for the 2003­04 year, which places Board meetings on the 2
    and 4
    Wednesday of the month except for the months of November (1
    and 3
    ), December (December 10
    ) and January
    and 3
    Newly elected Board President, Laurie Verbridge then shared with the Board her vision of Board Committees and
    assignments for the upcoming year. All of these assignments will relate directly to the District’s Strategic Plan
    which when completed represents the first goal established for the year.
    At the close of the Reorganizational meeting a business meeting commenced with a public participation session.
    During this time, a letter from Michael McCormick was read to the Board. This letter gave input on the Board’s
    decision to close the basketball courts on the Middle School campus.
    Under the consent agenda, the retirement resignation of Joanne DeCracker was accepted with regret and gratitude
    for her years of service as the Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools. Joanne has served 4 superintendents
    during her tenure and with her leaves a wealth of knowledge. The only item under old business was a discussion of
    the closing and possible re­opening of the basketball courts. The feedback to the Board on this issue has been mixed
    with some citing the loss of a place for young people to spend time and others citing a decrease in undesirable
    behaviors. A two­week continuation of the closing was passed. During this time the Board will continue to gather
    feedback from the community. A meeting on this issue was scheduled for the following day in the Middle School
    Multi­Purpose room.
    Anna Carey’s resignation was accepted with regret and a first reading on the Board Policy for filling School Board
    vacancies was accepted. J. Neil Chamberlain was granted tenure by the Board as a secondary Social Studies teacher
    during the new business section of the agenda.
    A discussion of a proposed annual review form elicited some suggestions and overall positive feedback from the
    Board. This form is a draft and will be used as a pilot by some staff for the next year until the next contract
    negotiation is completed with the Faculty Association.

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