Kid Pix Slide Shows
    To make a slide show you must first create pages of Kid Pix drawing to put into the slide
    shows. This is a good project for individual students or as a class where everyone
    contributes one page to a common topic. Directions for both pages and slide shows are
    To create a page:
    (If pages are to be saved make sure students have logged on.)
    Click the Kid Pix Icon on the Launcher
    Click on the large Kid Pix Icon
    Create the picture
    Save the picture in the student’s folder – you may wish to save the pictures as page 1,
    page 2, etc.
    Now that you have a number of pictures saved it is time to put them in a slide show.
    To make a slide show:
    Click the Kid Pix Icon on the Launcher
    Click on the slideshow Icon
    3. Click
    on the truck. You will need to
    retrieve a picture from the ones that have been
    saved. When you have done this the box will
    become blue.
    4. Click
    on the truck. You will be picking
    a sound to go with a picture. If you do not
    choose a sound the computer will read the page
    for you automatically. Click on one of the
    pictures, select preview to hear the sound.
    When you have found a sound you like, click on select. Using the yellow sliding bar
    at the bottom of the truck you can determine how long you would like each page to
    be open. As you select this, a timer will appear and you may adjust this by
    dragging the yellow bar. Another option is to click on the no sound picture and
    choose a background sound that will play throughout the slide show from the
    button at the bottom right hand corner of the truck page. When you have
    completed this step the note will be green unless you have chosen to use one
    background sound for the entire slideshow.
    Next click on
    on the truck. This button shows how one page will transition
    into another. Again you may choose to preview different transitions and when you
    have found one you would like click on select. When this step is completed this will
    be blue and white.
    Finally it is time to play the slide show. At the bottom of the truck page there are 4
    The first is to undo a move. Use this when you
    choose to do something and then wish to change your mind. It always will undo you

    LAST move. The second button will clear a page from a selected truck completely.
    The third button plays the slide show through 1 time. The fourth button loops the

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