Scanning Text
Since scanning is nothing more than the computer taking a picture, it doesn’t know a picture of the Washington
Monument from a copy of the constitution.
There are two options for scanning text.
One for just sending the document to someone and the other for
being able to edit the text that you’ve scanned.
Making a copy of text to send electronically
If you just want to send a “copy” of some text over
the Internet then scan as you would any picture.
But when saving use the file format PDF. This will
allow anyone to read it on any computer running the
Adobe Acrobat Reader—this is a free piece of
software that most Internet users have on their
Making a copy of text to edit
If you wish to edit the scanned document you will
need some special software. The software used to
“Read” text is known as OCR—Optical Character
Recognition. This software compares parts of the
“picture” with “alphanumeric” characters it has in
memory. The quality of the text scanned and the
font used will determine the quality of the output.
Text in paragraph form is best suited for this type of
scanning. Text that has lines, drawings, tables,
marks on the paper or nonstandard fonts are
difficult to scan. Text that is too light to read is also
difficult to scan.
Procedure for scanning to edit:
Click on the
(Readiris) on the launcher.
Click on the
(Gears) on the tool bar.
Click on the
(scan preview.)
Outline the area you wish to scan and edit—see
directions on outlining an area under scanning
Click SCAN from the menu bar.
Click Return to Readiris.
Upon rescanning you will be asked to name and
save the file. The computer should then open
AppleWorks and the document should be available
for editing.
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