Program Networks
    Physical Education
    12/15/98 Minutes

    Grant writing: Specific information was for heart monitor machine. Suggestions:
     1.Geneva: how did they generate their $?
     2. Ellicotteville: Tim Burgin is a contact. He got money for heart monitor.
    Marla shared sources for more general grants. They were:
     1. Basil Dobush works for BOCES
     2. Web search
     3. Education Week lists “unclaimed” grant money to access
     4. Teacher magazine is a source.
     5. NYS Educ. Dept.
     6. The Federal Grant binder may be available in your district
     7. Jenn Taft will check with Mike Petrus at Marcus Whitman and report back
    March 19th Inservice (Marla Steele shared).
     1.Possible speakers: Tim Burgin (PE rubrics) from Ellicottville or Mark Gafney (grants).
     2. Much discussion about why the day is not taking place at the level of involvement that was  originally plan.
     3. Topics (approx. 6) generated for the March 19th in-service (mini-conference)
       a. Two from above.
       b. Elementary PE Portfolios Pam Stark and Maryanne Harrigan (Harris Hill-PenfieldCS)
       c. Meeting the PE needs of the next generation (mountaim biking, snowboarding, etc.)
       d. Coaching styles inventory: matching coaching styles applied to learning styles
       e. Dance as a learning standard: contact RJ Rapoza
     4. Potential Structure
       a. three morning sessions/three afternoon sessions.
       b. “how to” (skills) presentation model
       c. participation model: about 2 and a half hours in length or two one hour fifteen      minutes sessions.
     5. Decision: we’ll have a PE element to the March 19th day. Any other ideas should be passed on  to Marla by December 28.
    Plans for the future:
    1. Communicating student progress(ie report cards)
    2. Advancing the concept of an annual regional conference(conceiving, planning, and implementing)
     1st step developing rationale to support the day
    3. The learning standards: assessment for PE (discussion) Rubric development, skill s tests, etc.
    _____________________________________________________________________________  FITNESS TEST INFORMATION
    1. Who administers it?
    2. What tests are used?
    3. How are results shared? With students and/or parents?
    4. Is it of value?
    5. What are your likes and dislikes?
    6. How often is it given?
    7. Do you track trends in results?
    8. If yes to # 7, what are they?
    9. At what age group are you using what test?
    10. How many times is ti administered during the year?
    11. to what extent do you integrate or stress fitness into your daily program ?Scale 1 to 10
    Agreement: Jim will send out survey to all reps to bring or send back by next meeting
    Agreement: Post minutes  

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