Minutes of the Social Studies Network
                                                             March 31, 1998
    Present: Cinda Lisanto, North Rose Wolcott; Joanne Emerson, Marcus Whitman-Gorham; Janice Driscoll, Phelps-Clifton Springs; Bonnie Keaveny, Manchester-Shortsville; Fred Zamperetti, Wayne Area Vocational Center; Barbara Quinn, Romulus; Susan Van Acker, Wayne Central; Janie Hyland, Sodus; Caren Converse, FingerLakes Area Vocational Center; Susan Vorce Marcus Whitman; Marie Johnson, Romulus; Larry Gambee, Romulus; Margo Ulmer, Naples; Jessica Burdick, Clyde Savannah, John Beadnell, Waterloo
    I. Group Share- The group shared Internet addresses and program information.
    II. Social Studies Conference- John Beadnell distributed copies of the Social Studies Information Update from the NYS Council for Social Studies. Information regarding scoring sessions for Global, US History, Social Studies grade 5 and grades 7/8 were distributed. Interested parties should contact George Gregory or Joann Larsen at SED.
    III. Integration of Skills-Media/Library - Marie Johnson, Susan Vorce, and Joan Rubin showed what library skills and involvement can assist the SS Network.
    IV. Integration of Skills-CDOS-Janie Hyland and Susan Van Acker presented what CDOS is and how it relates to the SS Network. Scans skills were discussed.
    V. Outcomes- Fred Zamperetti shared the survey results regarding outcomes for the Social Studies Network. Due to time restraints the group felt that this should be addressed on the May agenda.
    VI. Agenda for 5/26
    1. Further thoughts around desired outcomes- Fred Zamperetti
    2. Sharing Methods/Materials by Level-Larry Gambee-Elementary
    Jessica Burdick- secondary. Everyone is to bring something to share
    3. WEB sites-bring list with copies to share
    4. Recommendations to RIC- Bonnie Keaveny
    5. Set fall agenda
    VII. Misc.
    The group expressed interest in making recommendations for the March 19, 1998 BOCES Standards Conference Day.
    It was decided rather than break for dinner, the group would have a working dinner to allow coverage of agenda and early dismissal.

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