1. Strategies for Answering Your Favorite DBQ’s

Minutes of the Social Studies Program Network
January 11, 1999

Present: Barbara Quinn-Romulus; Larry Gambee-Romulus
Marie Johnson-Romulus; Cinda Lisanto-North Rose Wolcott;
Barbara Stevens-Boces-Voc. Ed. (WAVC); Jim Scarfia-Clyde-Savannah.
A book helpful to meeting the Standards is “The Key to Understanding Global History” from Jarrett Publishing. Vanity Press’ book for fourth grade is skills oriented.
The Global history test will be: 40% multiple choice, 25% thematic essay, 25% DBQ’s, and 10% constructed response.
We were encouraged to look at and take a TRC offering in the summer.
SED update:
Item Writing Training – March
Pilot Correcting – April – Cinda Lisanto
March 19 Conference – Cinda Lisanto will present a workshop on Awareness Level. Margo Ulmer and Jeff Trout will also be presenting.
We were encourage to use Docushare, especially the part entitled “Regional Instructional Topics.”
BOCES has money to help improve meetings.
We would like to discuss how to get more people to come to the meetings. In addition we would like Internet training in the computer lab as part of our meetings.
Barbara Stevens brought several handouts, from workshops she has attended, for our information:
Strategies for Answering Your Favorite DBQ’s
What is Global History and How Will I Teach It?
New Social Studies Assessments – Commencement Level
Jim Scarfia will be attending the Social Studies conference in
mid-March and will address the topic of “Specifics For Grading” at our next meeting on March 29, 1999.

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