Science Network Meeting
    Wednesday, May 27, 1998
    Arcadia Conference Room B

    In attendance:
    Dan LaFica, Randy Lawrence, Christine Bailey, Cindy Carnavale, Judy Zeck, Sandy Hawkins, Lelande Hoose, Joe Willie, Joan Barnard, Mark MacNeil.
    Program Network Training Survey
    Need for bonding activities for new and current groups
    How did this group effect your teaching this year?
    How would you change these meetings for the 98-99 school year?
    Concerns over short meetings with supper
    Do not like missing whole days – half-days?
    Extend time 4 – 7 pm ?
    Is docushare being used effectively?
    Proper mix of real time meetings – docushare meetings ?
    Need more involvement from elementary ed teachers
    Need for an agenda, better idea of a mission
    We are representatives of district
    Important that the new group meet early in fall (September)
    Goals for 1998-99
    Address broad, non-content approaches to meeting
    Be careful not to avoid and exclude science content
    Develop a database of science
    Content, texts, approaches, numbers
    Design database on docushare
    Meeting format: normal meeting in fall – brainstorm ideas for format changes
    Stress importance of meeting goals to improve attendance
    Keep State Ed Standards a focus of our meetings
    Brainstorm ideas for a science survey
    How many lab periods per week/cycle
    Length of class and lab periods
    Using Estec kits
    Evaluation models
    Courses and numbers, grade levels
    Texts, series, kits
    Ap courses
    When subjects are taught
    Software, internet access, computers
    Needs and challenges – equipment, personell
    Email addresses
    Areas of expertise
    Sharing Session:
    Lelane Hoose shared several handouts listing Internet Web sites that are appropriate for critical thinking, internet searching techniques, quoting electronic resources, and a multitude of excellent science web sites

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