1. 8th Grade Schedule
  2. Planning Form
    1. In Eighth Grade the following subjects are required:

8th Grade Schedule

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Planning Form

In Eighth Grade the following subjects are required:

In Eighth Grade the following subjects are required:
   English 8      Full Year
   Social Studies 8    Full Year
   Math 8 or Math A    Full Year
   Science 8      Full Year
   Foreign Language    Full Year (*French or Spanish)
   Physical Education    Full Year (Two days a week)
   Family & Consumer Sci. 8 Half Year (20 weeks)
   Technology 8      Half Year (20 weeks)
   Health 8      Half Year (20 weeks)
   Art 8        10 Weeks
   Music 8      10 Weeks
* Some 8th Grade students will also have E.L.A. Lab, Math Lab or Resource Room in their schedule,
if needed.
In addition to the above classes, students have the option to take other classes as "electives" or classes that students may take if they choose (see below). These classes are Chorus and Band.
  *Students are required to take two years of Foreign Language by the end of 9th grade. Students will be
scheduled for the same foreign language (French or Spanish) that they took during 7th grade. A state
proficiency exam will be taken at the end of 8th grade.
Students and parents interested in accelerating in certain subjects should contact the Guidance Office regarding details.
Please fill out the request slip below.
  ***This form must be returned to the Guidance Office by Thursday, March 11, 2004! 
My son/daughter, ___________________________________ is interested in taking Band and/or Chorus (please circle one or both). If no form is turned in by the deadline, it will be assumed that the student does not want to take Band or Chorus next year.
 ______________        ___________________________________
         Date          Parent/Guardian

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