1. Finance Manager

Finance Manager
Payroll Manager System Earning Codes
CONTRACT   System earning code used by Finance Manager when generating contractual biweekly earnings .
CONT-ADJ   System earning code that can be used when posting earnings to adjust current biweekly contract money and be applied toward the Contract Entitlement/Limit.


 A positive amount increases contractual fiscal to date money and decreases the remaining to be paid. In other words, any money posted to CONT-ADJ with a positive amount becomes part of FTD Contract money and, in essence, has the same effect as RETRO or CONTRACT.
 A negative amount would decrease contractual FTD money thereby increasing the remaining to be paid. This would be used to adjust current biweekly for time not being paid in the current check, but is not actually being docked from the Contract Entitlement/Limit.
DOCKED   System earning code, posted as a negative amount, used to dock money from a contractual biweekly amount. This code decreased an employee’s contract earnings for the current fiscal year without actually decreasing their contract salary.
 Decreases total contractual earnings for reporting purposes without decreasing FTD amount, thereby still limiting the employee’s contractual money at the correct fiscal contract salary. While this earning code may make FTD look inflated, any reports which print contractual FTD will be adjusted by the DOCKED earning code amount.
RETRO   System earning code, posted as a positive amount, used to pay retroactive contractual money for the CURRENT fiscal year.
 Increases total contractual earnings by increasing FTD amount and thereby decreasing remaining contractual money to be paid. When paying RETRO money, remember to update Contract Entitlement/Limit to reflect the new contractual salary.
* NOTE – In order for the CONT-ADJ, DOCKED, or RETRO earning codes to have the proper effect on the payment of an employee’s contract salary, they MUST be posted to their respective account codes as broken down on the Account screen.
You can also add additional Earning Codes, such as:
 RETyyyy – Retro pay for fiscal year 20yy-yy
 N/C AUTO – Non-cash automobile
 N/C LIFE – Non-cash life over/50K
Amount Type Field:
 Fixed Amt – Prompts for # units, rate
 Individual – Lump sum

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