Superintendent of Schools - Job Description

General Job Statement:
The Superintendent of Schools is the chief administrative officer of the school district and is responsible for the general supervision, administration and coordination of the total school program and its various activities. While the Superintendent may delegate duties and responsibilities, he/she shall maintain final authority and accountability.
The Superintendent shall be directly responsible to the Board of Education. The Board grants the Superintendent the necessary powers to discharge the duties prescribed by law and as set forth below.
Relationship with the Board
1.  serve as the executive officer for the Board and be charged with the responsibility of implementing the policies of the Board. He/She shall attend and participate in all regular, special, and executive meetings of the Board  except portions of executive sessions held to discuss the Superintendent's Contract or performance;
2.  develop a harmonious working relationship with the Board. He/She shall treat all Board members impartially. He/She shall go to the Board when serious differences of opinion arise in an earnest effort to resolve such differences immediately;
3.  serve as a resource person and advisor to the Board. He/She shall keep the Board informed on issues, needs, and operation of the school system. He/She shall advise the Board, based on thorough study and analysis, on items requiring Board action;
4.  provide appraisal of all school policies originating with the Board. He/She shall advise the Board on the need for new and/or revised policies and suggest draft policies to satisfy those needs;
5.  coordinate preparation of each Board meeting agenda with the Board President;
Educational Direction and Leadership
6.  enforce all provisions of law, rules and regulations, and Board policy relating to the management of the schools and other educational, social and recreational activities. He/She shall develop administrative procedures to implement Board policy. He/She shall be available to interpret for the staff all Board policies and applicable laws, rules and regulations;

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