1.            5500
      1. Annual Notification
    1. 5500



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In recognition of the legal requirements for maintenance of confidentiality of student records, the Board of Education establishes procedures that are consistent with state and federal regulations, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended. In addition, the Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to ensure the orderly retention and disposition of student records in accordance with Schedule ED-1 as adopted by Policy 1120.
Student records are privileged and confidential. Disclosure of student records is allowed only to parents or guardians of students or to students, over age l8. Appropriate school personnel shall be present at the time of inspection of student records.
The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for ensuring that the school district carries out all requirements of state and federal regulations and Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

Annual Notification

Annual Notification

At the beginning of each school year, the school district will publish a notification to parents, guardians and eligible students currently in attendance of their rights under FERPA and of the procedures for exercise of those rights. This notice shall include, but not be limited to, school district publications, a newspaper, student handbooks or other school bulletins.
In addition, parents, guardians and eligible students who enroll during the school year will receive copies of this notification.
The public notice will include a statement that the parent/guardian or eligible student has a right to:
(1)   inspect and review the student’s educational records
(2)   request amendment of student records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights
(3)   consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent
(4)   file a complaint with the U.S. Dept. of Education alleging failure of the school district to comply with FERPA and its regulations
In addition, the annual notice will inform parents/guardians and eligible students that:
(1)   it is the school district’s policy to disclose personally identifiable information from student records, without consent, to other school officials within the school district whom the school district has determined to have legitimate educational interests. (A school official has a legitimate educational interest if said official’s needs to review a student record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities)
(2)   upon request, the school district will disclose education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll
(3)   of procedures for exercising the right to inspect, review and request amendment of student records
REVISED: April 12, 2000           Ontario Center, New York l4520



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The school district will provide translations of this public notice, where necessary, to parents/guardians and eligible students in their native language or dominant mode of communication.
Directory Information
Under FERPA, the school district has the option of designating certain categories of student information as “directory information.” Through this policy, the Board of Education designates that “directory information” include the following:
  Student’s name, address & telephone number
  Student’s date & place of birth
  Student’s major course of study
  Student’s participation in school activities or sports
  Student’s weight and height, if a member of an athletic team
  Student’s dates of attendance, degrees and awards received
  Student’s most recent school attended, class schedule, photograph
  Student’s e-mail address and class roster
Once the proper notification is made by the school district pursuant to FERPA, a parent/guardian or eligible student will have fourteen (14) calendar days to notify the school district clerk/records access officer, in writing, of any objections they have to any of the items designated as “directory information” as outline in this policy (see above). If no objection is received, the school district may release this information without prior approval of the parent/guardian or eligible student for such release.

Combined Notification

The school district may elect to combine the annual notice of rights under FERPA and the annual notice of “directory information” designations into a single public notice.

Policy 1120 – School District Records

Policy 4321 – Programs for Students With Disabilities
Policy 5460 – Suspected Child Abuse and Maltreatment
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of l974, as amended
NYS Public Officers Law & Arts & Cultural Affairs Law, Article 57-A
Records Retention & Disposition, Schedule ED-1  
      REVISED:  April 12, 2000           Ontario Center, New York l4520

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