Job Description
 The School District Treasurer is appointed each year by the Board of Education at the organizational meeting. The Treasurer is the custodian of district monies and will be bonded.
Duties and responsibilities will include the following:
1.   Receiving and disbursing district monies including:

 a.  Depositing monies in the Board designated bank(s).
 b.  Disbursing monies upon receipt of a signed warrant or certified payroll.
 c.  Issuing prenumbered receipts for monies received, with the original going to payer and    a copy retained by the Treasurer.
 d.  Signing all checks, using check signing machine authorized by the Board of      Education, and properly safeguarding the signature plate and key.
2.  Maintaining detailed accounting records including:
a.  Reconciling cash bank balances after obtaining the bank statements each month.
b.  Rendering a monthly report for each fund (bank account), showing cash balance on hand at beginning of the month, receipts by source during the month and reconciliation with bank statement.
c.  Rendering a report to the Board at least quarterly (monthly if budget transfers have been made since the last report) for each fund including no less than the revenue and appropriation accounts required in the annual state budget report.
d.  Being responsible for the preparation of the annual financial report in the format prescribed by law.
e.  Maintaining separate bank accounts for payroll, capital fund, federal aid fund and extra classroom activity fund account.
f.  Transferring between or among budget appropriations when authorized by the Board.
g.  Auditing accounts and filing such reports annually as required.
3.  Establishing and maintaining records to show the following information:
a.  Available balance at the close of a fiscal year and the projected total expenditures.
b.  Amount of insurance premiums coming due.
c.  Amounts of principal and interest on indebtedness that will need to be paid during the coming fiscal year and the amount of retirement deductions.
d.  Expenditure and receipt history of previous years.

Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996  Wayne Central School District

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