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A.   Purchasing Procedures - General

1.  Only the person designated by the Board as Purchasing Agent may commit the district for a purchase.
2.  The materials, equipment, supplies, and/or services to be purchased shall be of the quality required to serve the function in a satisfactory manner as determined by the original requisitioner and the Purchasing Agent.
3.  It is the responsibility of the original requisitioner to provide an adequate description as required by the Purchasing Agent, so that he may be able to prepare the specifications and to procure most expeditiously and economically the desired commodity and/or service.
4.  It is the responsibility of the Purchasing Agent to make alternate suggestions to the original requisitioner if, in the judgment of the Purchasing Agent, the specifications would restrict competition or otherwise preclude the most economical purchase of the required items. In the case of disagreement, either party may refer the matter in accordance with established procedure.
5.  When a low bidder proposes an alternate as "an equal" to that specified, it is the responsibility of the Purchasing Agent to determine whether the proposed substitution is, in fact, an equal. Such decision shall be based on his evaluation and that of the original requisitioner. In the case of disagreement between the original requisitioner and the Purchasing Agent, either party may refer the matter in accordance with established procedures.

B.  Steps in the Procurement Procedure
The following chart illustrates the basic steps in the procurement process:

1.  Requisition              Initiated by original requisitioner. Sent to business office for approval. Copy retained by business office, central stores, building principal (administrator), and original requisitioner.
2.  Specifications           Prepared in detail by Purchasing Agent and made available to prospective contractors or vendors.



3.  Bids or Quotations  Checked and tabulated by the business office. In the case of formal bids, recommendations will be made to the Board of Education by the Superintendent of Schools.
4.  Purchase Orders  Prepared by the business office, central stores, and transportation and signed by the Purchasing Agent.
5.  Follow-up  By central stores personnel.
6.  Receipt of Goods  Receiving agent signs pink copy of purchase order and forwards same to the business office indicating materials/services have been received and are satisfactory.
7.  Invoice  Checked for price and quantity by the business office.
8.  Invoice/Claim Form  After receipt of goods acknowledged by central stores/
 Approved for Payment  original requisitioner, the Purchasing Agent attests to the
   correctness of the claim, including verification that the supplies, equipment, or services conformed to specifications; then, forwarded to Internal Claims Auditor for approval for payment.
C.  Requisitioning - General
1.  The following are designated as “requisitioners,” that is, they are authorized to issue requisitions against stipulated segments of budgetary appropriations: Superintendent of Schools, building principals, administrators, and supervisors of auxiliary services. Each requisitioner shall be responsible for limiting their requisitions to the amounts appropriated for their unit.
2.  Only forms provided by the Purchasing Agent shall be used in requisitioning.
3.  Standard supply lists of commonly used items shall be jointly developed for all categories or groups of supplies by the Purchasing Agent and the appropriate original requisitioners. These standard lists shall be used as a basis for requisitioning.
4.  Items not specifically included on standard supply lists shall be requisitioned on the regular requisition form.
5.  The number of requisitions shall be kept to a minimum. They shall be submitted to conform with the purchasing schedule as established by the Purchasing Agent.


6.  Requisitions shall be prepared in quintuplicate.
a.  Original (white) copy to be filed with business office. This copy is used for original authorization and is attached to the green copy of the purchase order.
b.  Green copy returned to requisitioner by business office after payment is complete. This copy is used for recording payments and is returned to buildings for reference. If partial payment is made, a copy is sent. This copy is attached to the green copy of the purchase order until payment is complete.
c.  Yellow copy returned by central stores personnel to the building after purchase order is written, to notify the original requisitioner that the order is placed. This copy contains the purchase order number which should be used in making inquiries as to status of order.
d.  Pink copy filed in central stores. This copy is used by central stores personnel for reference and backup to the purchase order. This copy is filed with the goldenrod copy of the purchase order.
e.  Goldenrod copy retained by administrator.
7.  A requisition, to be considered appropriate for processing, shall meet the following requirements:
a.  be issued by and bear both the signature of an authorized requisitioner and be appropriately dated
b.  contain adequate information
c.  budget code(s) recorded
d.  be verified for adequacy of budgetary appropriation  
8.  Requisitions, appropriately completed, shall be submitted to the Purchasing Agent for approval and processing.
9.  After a purchase order has been written, the number of the purchase order shall be recorded on the requisition.


D.  Requisitioning - Specific
1.  Supplies, Equipment, Textbooks, Contractual Expenses, and Miscellaneous Expenses:
a.  Purchase requisitions must be submitted to the Purchasing Agent for approval. If within appropriation, the business office will place the purchase order. The original requisitioner will receive the yellow copy of the requisition.
b.  “Confirmation Only” requisitions require prior approval from the Purchasing Agent. A purchase order number will be provided by the business office and this number must be given to the vendor at the time the order is placed. This information should be recorded on the requisition before it is submitted to the business office for processing.
c.  Individual items are not to be ordered on “approval/trial” basis. The school district will not be responsible for payment.
d.  For emergency purchases, or for those situations where it is not practical to issue a purchase order, a claim form may be secured from the Purchasing Agent.
2.  Conferences:
a.  Conference approval forms (blue) may be obtained from building principals or the Superintendent of Schools.
b.  Conference participation requires recommendation from building principals or district office administrator and approval by the Superintendent of Schools.
c.  Conference approval forms should be submitted at least one (1) month prior to date of conference.
d.  Requisitions are required for prepayment of registration fees, lodging, transportation, etc. and must be submitted at least one (1) month prior to date of conference. A copy of the original approved conference form must accompany the requisition along with supporting documentation.
e.  Building principals or district office administrators are responsible for recording recommendation for dollar amount to be expended and the budget code from which to be expended.


3.  Equipment Repair/Contracts:
a. The initial request for equipment repair or preventive maintenance service should be submitted to the business office. Business office will be responsible for obtaining the requested service.
b.  Request must be submitted on requisition form for “Contractual Expenses.”
c.  “Confirmation Only” requests require prior approval from the business office.
Note:  Prior Policies, Policy Manual 3310.3(a)(b)(c)(d)(e), revised

Policy Adopted: March 12, 1997  Wayne Central School District

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