

The Board of Education prohibits the illegal, improper or unauthorized manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of any controlled substances in the workplace.
The district shall provide an Employee Assistance Program that offers confidential intervention, assessment, counseling, referral, and follow-up services to employees who seek assistance with substance abuse-related problems and other related problems.
The Superintendent or his/her designee shall implement related regulations which outline the requirements of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.

Cross-ReferEnces:  Policy 3230, Organization Chart 9220, Staff Qualifications
   Policy 9610, Staff Substance Abuse
References:    Drug-Free Workplace Act (DFWA), P.L. 100-690
     Controlled Substances Act, 21 USC 812
     21 CFR 1300.11-1300.15
     34 CFR Part 85 (U.S. Dept. of Ed. Regulations under the DFWA)
     Civil Service Law §75
     Education Law §3020-a
   Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers v. Board of Education,
     70 NY2d 57 (1987)
NOTE: The Drug-Free Workplace Act requires all Boards of Education to adopt a written policy regarding the establishment of a drug-free workplace.
ADOPTED:  May 7, 1997

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Adoption date: May 7, 1997