1. 6700-R.4
    2. 6700-R.4




1.  A claim shall qualify, to be submitted to the internal claims auditor for approval for payment when the following conditions are met:


a.  Bears the description and price of the items specified on the purchase order, less any allowed discounts.


b.  Is accompanied by the pink copy of the purchase order bearing the signature of central stores personnel/original requisitioner and dated, indicating that the item has been received in satisfactory condition and in the quantity specified. The central stores personnel/original requisitioner will acknowledge the goods were received satisfactorily by placing a check mark ( Ö ) after each item as listed on the pink copy of the purchase order.


c.  New York State Department of Audit & Control regulations permit partial payments on orders that are shipped incomplete. After the first shipment, central stores personnel/original requisitioner will indicate on the pink copy of the purchase order the merchandise received, will sign and date, and then make a copy which will be kept for the next shipment. The pink copy will then be forwarded to the business office. The copy that was retained will be used to indicate the net shipment received, will be signed and dated, and forwarded to the business office. If shipment is not complete another copy is made and the procedure will continue until the order is complete.

d.  All extensions and totals have been checked for accuracy.


e.  Has the approval of the Purchasing Agent.


f.  The account clerk will staple the invoice and packing slip to the pink and green copies of the purchase order and present to the internal claims auditor for payment.

g.  After the internal claims auditor approves payment and the invoice is processed, account clerk will file the paid claims packet (invoice, packing slip, pink copy & green copy of purchase order, check copy) alphabetically by vendor.


2.  Conference Claims


a.  All staff members must have a completed conference approval form (blue) approved by the Superintendent of Schools. After the conference this form must be submitted to business office even if there is no claim for reimbursement.


b.  The business office will need one (1) month’s prior notice if prepayments, claim forms, or checks are required for registration fees, lodging, transportation, etc. Requisitions, a copy of the original approved conference form, and supporting documentation are required for processing.


c.  For conference reimbursement, a completed original (blue) conference claim form, receipts, and written confirmation that a written conference report has been filed must be submitted to the business office.

d.  Conference reimbursements cannot exceed original dollar amount as stated on approved conference form.


e.  The school district cannot reimburse for New York State sales tax paid or for expenses incurred unless accompanied by receipt.


3.  Equipment Repair/Contract Invoices


a.  After the equipment has been serviced, the original requisitioner shall inspect the equipment and request an invoice or work order from the service representative.


b.  This invoice or work order should be signed, acknowledging satisfactory service performed, and returned to the business office with the pink copy of the purchase order.

Policy Adopted: March 12, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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