School district employees, officials and members of the Board of Education will be reimbursed for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred while traveling out of district for school related activities.


Only expenses necessary to the purpose of the travel shall be reimbursable. Transportation costs such as taxi cabs are allowable only for essential transportation. Mileage will be paid at the rate fixed annually by the Board during the organizational meeting in July. Tax exemption certificates shall be issued and utilized as appropriate.


 Upon approval of the Superintendent of Schools advances of money for estimated expenditures, registration or tuition fees, travel, meals, and lodging may be made to Board of Education members duly authorized to attend a conference provided itemized vouchers showing actual expenditures are submitted after such attendance. Expenditures in excess of such estimate are audited and paid by the district. Where a Board member fails to return such excess advance at the time of submitting itemized vouchers or upon demand after audit of such voucher, the said member shall be required to reimburse the district within 30 days.


To obtain reimbursement, the claimant must complete and sign an expense voucher, attach all receipts or other expense documentation, together with a copy of the approved conference attendance request form and evaluation report (if required), and submit the same to the appropriate administrator.

Ref:    Education Law §§1604(27); 1709(30); 1804; 2118; 3023; 3028
 General Municipal Law §77-b
Note:  Prior policies, Policy Manual, 4064 and 4066.1, revised
Policy Adopted: March 12, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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