The Board of Education believes that students and faculty should respect property and take pride in the schools of the district. Any incidents of vandalism or theft of district property and the names of the person(s) believed to be responsible shall be reported to the Superintendent of Schools.
After repair or replacement of property, a bill for labor and materials shall be sent to the parent(s)/guardian(s) with a request for payment. The Board may determine that legal action against a vandal and/or his/her parents/guardians should be brought to recover costs for damages* caused by a willful, malicious or unlawful act of the child. The Board will direct the school attorney to institute and prosecute such sult. The Board will also determine whether to offer monetary rewards** for information leading to the arrest and conviction of vandals or thieves of district property. All information pertaining to the investigation will be forwarded to the school attorney and the district attorney.
Cross-ref:  5311.4, Care of School Property by Students
Ref:  Family Court Act §§757; 758-a
General Obligations Law §3-112
Education Law §§1604(35), (38); 1709(36),(38); 2509-g(15)
General Municipal Law §789
*State law now permits parental liability for up to two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,5000)
**State law now permits monetary rewards for up to one thousand dollars ($1,000)

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Adoption date: May 7, 1997