1. 6700-R.5
    2. 6700-R.5



1.  Receiving Procedures

a.  When merchandise is received, central stores personnel will verify the number of cartons received against the numbers of cartons shipped and sign and date the carrier's delivery receipt. Central stores personnel will retain a copy of the delivery receipt.


b.  Central stores personnel will open any carton that is broken, dented, or exhibits travel wear in the presence of the driver.


1.  If merchandise is damaged, it should not be accepted. This should be noted on the delivery receipt, the driver must sign and a copy retained by central stores personnel.


2.  If merchandise is damaged and accepted, the extent of the damage should be noted on the delivery receipt. The driver must sign, and a copy retained by central stores personnel. The vendor and carrier must be notified immediately, in writing, requesting disposition.


c.  If damage is discovered while unpacking, the vendor and carrier must be notified immediately, in writing, requesting disposition. Central stores personnel will retain all delivery receipts, packing slips, and packing containers until satisfactory disposition.

d.  If shortages are discovered while unpacking, central stores personnel will notify the vendor, on the appropriate form, immediately.


e.  While unpacking, central stores personnel will check the purchase order (pink copy) and packing list against the merchandise received. Central stores personnel will place a check mark ( Ö ) after each item received as listed on the purchase order (BLACK INK NOT ACCEPTABLE).


f.  For partial shipments, central stores personnel will request delivery information from the vendor. The original requisitioner will be notified that partial shipment has been received and that delivery information has been requested.


g.  For items that have been discontinued, central stores personnel will notify the original requisitioner and the business office in writing.




2.  Business Office Procedures

a.  For complete orders, central stores personnel will indicate order is complete, sign and date the pink copy of the purchase order, attach packing slip, and forward to the business office for payment. The pink copy of the requisition and the goldenrod copy of the purchase order will be marked complete and retained in central stores filed numerically by purchase order number.
b.  For incomplete orders, central stores personnel will indicate order is incomplete, check off the items received on the pink copy of the purchase order (BLACK INK NOT ACCEPTABLE), sign and date, staple the packing slip, make a copy, and forward pink copy to the business office. Central stores personnel will keep the copy and continue the procedure until the order is complete. At that time, the pink copy of the requisition and goldenrod copy of the purchase order will be marked complete and retained in central stores filed numerically by purchase order number.

c.  Central stores personnel will notify the business office, in writing, when:


1.  Damaged merchandise is not accepted at time of delivery or when returned to vendor.


2.  Shortages are discovered while unpacking.


3.  Merchandise is returned, for any reason, to the vendor.
3.  Inventory and Inventory Control


 a.  The Purchasing Agent shall develop a system for the inventory of equipment to conform with the state's requirements for fixed assets accounting. In addition, the Purchasing Agent shall develop a system of supply inventory.

b.  The Purchasing Agent shall be responsible for maintaining the inventory of equipment.


c.  The Purchasing Agent shall periodically review the inventory records and make personal inspections of all district storage spaces to ascertain surpluses or shortages of materials and equipment.


d.  The Purchasing Agent, in accordance with established procedures, may authorize the transfer of equipment
Policy Adopted: March 12, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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