1. 4220
          1. Project Proposals
          2. Cooperative Efforts



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The Board of Education shall encourage the development of pilot projects aimed at improving the educational program. A pilot project is defined as the introduction of a new educational program, strategy, material or equipment on a trial basis. It will be implemented for a specified period of time deemed to be sufficient for fair evaluation of the project’s feasibility and success in meeting a district need.

Project Proposals

Project Proposals

Proposals for pilot projects must include a statement of the project goals, anticipated expenses, staffing previsions, synopsis of implementation strategies, and plans for the evaluation of the project. Proposals should be submitted to the team leader or department chairperson and to the building principal. The proposal will then be referred to the superintendent of schools for administrative review. All pilot programs will be recommended by the superintendent of schools to the Board of Education for approval prior to implementation.
The superintendent of schools will submit periodic reports to the Board of Education on all on-going projects and project evaluations. The Board of Education may, at its discretion, terminate a pilot program at any time.

Cooperative Efforts

Cooperative Efforts

At appropriate times, the school district may wish to cooperate with corporations or groups on education-related projects. Such relationships should be governed by the following:
(1)   The corporation or group is required to submit a request for approval of the department chairpersons or building principal.. If it meets with his or her approval, it is then forwarded to the superintendent of schools for consideration by the board of Education. Such a request should define the purpose of the project and exact nature of performance.
(2)   The school district will maintain complete oversight of the operation.
(3)   Any form for use by students and/or parents, such as a waiver, shall be approved in advance by the superintendent of schools and Board of Education.
(4)   A monthly reporting process shall be established and maintained.
(5)   The Board of Education, in its discretion, may terminate thr arrangement at ant time.

    REVISED: April 12, 2000        Ontario Center, New York l4520

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