The Board of Education is ultimately responsible for the regular operation and orderly development of the school district's physical plant. In carrying out this responsibility, the Board is concerned with both short-term and long-range planning.


   The Board delegates to the Superintendent of Schools (or his/her designee) the responsibility for formulating and implementing, subject to approval by the Board, a long-range facilities development plan that will serve as a guide for capital improvements and enable the district to provide the appropriate facilities to meet the educational needs of the students.


Pursuant to the plan, the Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall:
1.  continually monitor and evaluate changes in the curriculum, enrollment trends and patterns within the school district, the availability of construction funds, and other relevant factors and periodically recommend appropriate modifications to the plan;
2.  annually evaluate the status of all school buildings and grounds in order to ensure that an atmosphere conducive to education is maintained;
3.  conduct an assessment of equipment, facilities, and maintenance practices to ensure that district schools are operated in a manner that meets the present and future needs of the educational mission of the district. If appropriate, the Board shall appoint and charge an ad hoc citizens’ committee and district staff to participate in the assessment process;
4.  write a report to the Board about an identified need. If approved, the Board shall authorize the school architect to draw up plans for new construction and employ the services of other consultants in an effort to secure the best possible information on which to base decisions. Final plans shall be presented to the Board for adoption or rejection; and
5.  propose ways to arrange financing of a Board-adopted project including bonds, State Education Department approval, legal notices and additional architectural plans.
Pursuant to a Board-adopted project, the School Attorney shall write and/or review specific propositions which, after adoption by the Board, shall be presented to the  public for a vote. These will include formal resolutions for bond issues.
The district will also prepare and regularly update a five-year capital assets preservation plan. The plan will be designed to provide the school district with information on the adequacy of district facilities, and prepared in a manner and in a format prescribed by the Commissioner of Education. Copies of the plan will include, but not be limited to:
1.  a breakdown for each of the five years of the plan as to estimated expenses for the following:

a.  current or proposed new construction;
b.  current or proposed additions to school facilities;
c.  current or proposed alterations or reconstruction of school facilities;
d.  major repairs;
e.  operations and maintenance; and
f.  energy consumption;

2.  a district-wide capital assets inventory which shall include, but will not be limited to:
a.  the evaluation of the number and type of facilities owned, operated or leased by the district;

b.  the use and size of such buildings (including special education, extracurricular and athletic programs);

c.  the identification of potential building sites consistent with economy and efficiency; and
d.  any other information which may be deemed necessary by the Commissioner to evaluate safety and health conditions in school facilities; and
3.  a report on the condition of and a specific preservation plan for each school facility.
The Superintendent may create a Facilities Advisory Committee, representing all groups utilizing district facilities and including any individuals he/she deems appropriate, to propose and consider ideas and suggestions in the construction, remodeling, and/or repair of district facilities.
In the event that projected needs exceed facilities, the Board will determine the most appropriate action designed to meet the needs of the educational program.
 The Board may employ a Clerk of the Works or Project Manager to supervise capital construction projects. This person is directly responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Business. Work is to be performed under the general direction and supervision of the Director of Facilities in accordance with the policies and procedures of the school district.

Note:  Prior policies, Policy Manual, 7000.1, 7100 and 7211.3 (a), revised
Policy Adopted: March 12, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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