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The Board of Education recognizes cultural enrichment may be derived from welcoming foreign exchange students into the high school educational program. Such students covered by this policy are generally in the district for a one-year academic program.
The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee retains the sole discretion to deny admission to any student not meeting all requirements set forth in this policy and regulation. He/She may also terminate any approval of a foreign exchange student when he/she believes that it would be in the best interest of the Wayne Central School District.
1.  The district will recognize as exchange students only students from those organizations  sponsoring exchange visitor students who have been:
a.  designated as "Exchange-Visitor Programs" by the United States Information Agency pursuant to federal regulations; and,
b.  approved by the Council on Standards on International Educational Travel (CSIET). Any such sponsoring organization must supply specific proof on an annual basis of such current designation and approval prior to recognition by the district.
2.  No foreign exchange student shall be enrolled unless he/she demonstrates compliance with all York State immunization requirements.
3.  No foreign exchange student shall be enrolled in the High School unless he/she has been accepted in writing as a student by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
4.  A maximum of four (4) foreign exchange students may be accepted in a given school year. One of the available openings shall be reserved for a student sponsored by Rotary International; and, another of the available openings shall be reserved for a student sponsored by AYUSA.
 The other two available openings will be filled by foreign exchange students from sponsoring organizations who meet the criteria identified in the policy. These will be filled on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
 The two openings reserved for Rotary International and AYUSA may be used for foreign exchange students from other sponsoring organizations who meet the criteria identified in the policy if Rotary International and AYUSA decline their reserved openings for a given year.
The district assumes no responsibility concerning the visa status of any foreign exchange student.


 Foreign exchange students will be allowed to attend the High School tuition free and will be provided bus transportation free of charge to and from school from the legal residence within the Wayne Central School District of their host families. When a foreign exchange student is accepted for admission pursuant to this policy and its regulations, the letter of acceptance shall include a statement that tuition shall be waived.
 The Superintendent shall develop regulations to implement this policy.

Ref:  22 CFR Part 514, Exchange-Visitor Program
 Education Law §1709(13)
 Matter of Jones, 24 EDR 110 (1984)
Note:  Policy added
Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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