Through its employment policies, the Board of Education will attempt to attract, secure, and retain the best qualified personnel available. The selection program will be based upon finding candidates who will devote themselves to the education and welfare of the children attending the public schools.
Recruiting procedures shall enable the district to seek qualified candidates from a variety of sources, including present staff. Any current employee of the district may apply for any position for which he/she meets certification and other stated requirements.
The Board of Education adheres to the practice of recruiting and hiring personnel without regard to religion, creed, race, color, marital status, national origin, sex or disability.
It will be the duty of the Superintendent of Schools to see that persons nominated for employment in the schools meet all certification requirements and the requirements of the Board of Education for the type of position for which the nomination is made.
Relatives or spouses of current district employees may be considered for employment in the district. However, the district does not allow relatives or spouses to work under the direct or indirect supervision of each other in the same department or building. This does not apply to temporary seasonal positions.
While the Board of Education may accept or reject a nomination, an appointment will be valid only if made with the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools. In the case of a rejection, it is the duty of the Superintendent to make another nomination. No person shall be considered employed until the Superintendent’s recommendation to that effect has been approved by the Board of Education and a contract executed by the employee.
Ref:  Education Law §§913; 1604; 2509; 3012 8 NYCRR §100.3
ADOPTED: May 7, l997

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Adoption date: May 7, 1997